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Journal Prompts for Road Trip Unit Based on the novel Paper Towns Amy Ann Jindra October

17, 2013

Before starting the novel: 1.) This upcoming unit we will be exploring the concept of road trips. Outline what you think would be the perfect road trip. Explain where you would go, who would be along for the ride, and what would be packed in the trunk. How does where you would go, who you would bring, and what you would pack reflect who you are as a person?

In the middle of the novel: 2.) We are about half way through John Greens Paper Towns, summarize what has happened so far then predict what you think will happen in the last portion of the text. Where do you think the journey will end for the featured characters? Support your answer with at least three quotes from the text that upholds your prediction.

At the end of the novel: 3.) Reflect on the two initial journal entries that you made so far for this unit. "Has this novel changed the way you think about road trips, journeys specifically? If so, explain why your thoughts have shifted to their current status. If not, explain why you have stuck to your previous position. Would you change any elements of your Webquest project (locations, people, etc.) based on Paper Towns? Why? In addition, look at this unit from my perspective. Why did I choose to teach this? Why did I have you complete this project?

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