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OUTLINE I. Introduction a. HookTeens b. Past c. Present d. Future e.

ThesisThere are plenty of reasons for getting into a career devoted to writing that can be positive; there can also be some negative, but they can be fixed easily. II. Writers Block a. Definitiona thing that happens once in a while when writers cant write b. How to fix it III. Some Positive Reasons a. Can be own boss b. Can work around the world c. Feels fulfilling d. Dont have to worry about weather and/or rush hour e. Can take a nap IV. More Positive Reasons a. Work at own pace i. Lunch break earlier or later ii. More time to write novel V. Even More Positive Reasons a. Intellect, talent, and creativity i. Examples


Long Run Goal a. Meet wonderful people i. List of people ii. How it helps iii. Example


Another Long Run Goal a. Hours of entertainment, enjoyment, escape, and/or enlightenment to readers i. How it helps b. Negativepeople might not like it i. How to fix it


Yet Another Long Run Goal a. Can earn money b. Negativeproblems with publishing i. How to fix them


Conclusion a. Back-up plans b. What to focus on now c. What to keep in mind in the future

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