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4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1
Exercise 1
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. d 9. a 10. c

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F so she gathered a massive pile of bea s for her cache. 2. ! 3. ! 4. ! 5. F ... "ar# had a paltry a$o% t of food. Part B 1. &eth's pri$ar# (ob )as to gather food. 2. *he tho%ght that food )o%ld (%st co$e to her+ a d she )o%ld 't ha,e to )or-. 3. "ar# ot ha,i g a #thi g to eat. 4. "ar# too- the bag a d )e t to )orgatheri g bea s. 5. *he - e) her sister )as right.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. d

Exercise 3
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a

Exercise 4
1. C 2. C 3. I 4. C 5. I 6. I 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. I

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2
Exercise 1
1. a 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. d

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F ...had to help the fa$ilies o etheless. 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. !he abbot said+ ./ll )ere eligible.0 2. 1he the $o -s gr%$bled+ the #o% g $o - spec%lated that if $ore fa$ilies ca$e+ the the# )o%ld 2t $a-e it thro%gh the )i ter. 3. !he $o -s fasted a d slept i the ch%rch#ard that ad(oi ed the cathedral so that the fa$ilies )o%ld ha,e e o%gh food a d shelter. 4. !he $o -s had ta-e a oath to help those that eed help. 5. !he# lear ed that so$eti$es helpi g others $ea s #o% $%st gi,e $ore help tha #o% first e3pected.

Exercise 2
1. prairie 2. r%gged 3. arid 4. $oist%re 5. fast 6. cathedral 7. ab% da t 8. scarce 9. oath 10. eligible

Exercise 3
1. I 2. I 3. C 4. C 5. C

Exercise 4
1. arid 2. i la d 3. dro%ght 4. abbe# 5. o etheless 6. spec%lated 7. a$ple 8. ad(oi ed 9. ragged 10. depri,ed

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 3
Exercise 1
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. d

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F ...the $o,e$e ts of celestial ob ects a d ho) to har ess the po)er of radioactive s!bstances . 3. ! 4. F ... geolog# didn"t give the bachelor a )o derf%l feeli g 5. F #elping others+ ot his cog iti,e tale ts+ had ... Part B 1. /s soo as he had recei,ed his diplo$a+ he asserted to e,er#o e he $et that he )as the s$artest perso i to) . 2. 4 e da# )hile strolli g thro%gh the to) + the bachelor )it essed a collisio bet)ee t)o cars. 3. !he bachelor felt the best he had i his e tire life. 4. 5espite his a al#tic abilities+ he failed to otice he )as $issi g so$ethi g ,er# i$porta t i his life. 5. &esides a brai + the bachelor reali6ed that #o% $%st also ha,e a heart.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. d

Exercise 3
1. I 2. I 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. I 7. C 8. I 9. I 10. C

Exercise 4
1. $#tholog# 2. asserts 3. theoretical 4. radioacti,e 5. cog iti,e 6. celestial 7. diplo$a 8. relati,it# 9. -ee 10. bachelors

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 4
Exercise 1
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F "r. Pig )as a ad$i istrator... 2. F ...$ade to the factor# )ere not legiti$ate. 3. ! 4. F ...disposi g of the factor#2s r%bbish i the river. 5. F ...created more re,e %e. Part B 1. 8is boss told hi$+ .If the factor# $a-es $ore $o e#+ the #o% )ill too.0 2. /fter 9ig a%to$ated his factor#+ the other a i$als had o (obs. 3. /ccordi g to the officials+ 9ig $a ip%lated the la) i order to get $ore $o e#. 4. 1he all tra sactio s stopped+ the factor# lost $o e#+ a d 9ig lost his (ob. 5. !he stores co%ld o lo ger sell goods at retail beca%se the $achi es did 2t $a-e prod%cts as )ell as the )or-ers+ a d c%sto$ers )ere disappoi ted )ith the factor#2s $ercha dise.

Exercise 2
1. I 2. C 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. I 9. C 10. C

Exercise 3
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c

Exercise 4
1. i ce ti,e 2. tra sactio 3. legislated 4. bribed 5. retail 6. ad$i istrator 7. head7%arters 8. corr%pt 9. legiti$ate 10. re,e %e

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit $
Exercise 1
1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. d

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F ...!he i fectio ca%sed b# the bacteria he )as )or-i g o )as ter$i al. 4. ! 5. F 1he e,er the %!ng!s &as close to the... Part B 1. I his haste to go o ,acatio + /le3a der Fle$i g left his laborator# i a $ess. 2. !he sig ifica ce of the f% g%s )as that it co%ld -ill the bacteria. 3. 1hile he )as clea i g+ he had a i$p%lse to e3a$i e the f% g%s. 4. !he scie tist e3tracted $olec%les fro$ the f% g%s. 5. !he disco,er# recei,ed a lot of p%blicit#.

Exercise 2
1. ter$i al 2. e3tract 3. i$p%lse 4. s%bse7%e t 5. assess 6. o goi g 7. esse ce 8. fab%lo%s 9. asto ished 10. p%blicit#

Exercise 3
1. haste 2. sig ifica ce 3. $olec%les 4. co$$e ced 5. pro3i$it# 6. latter 7. s# thetic 8. assess 9. re$ed# 10. phar$ace%tical

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit '
Exercise 1
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F &ob i$ple$e ted a pla to ret!rn home to his spo!se and children. 3. F #is sho!lder in !ry i$paired his abilit# to carr# the $aterials. 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. I sight abo%t the isla d a d fi di g so$ethi g to help hi$ escape. 2. &eca%se he )a ted to $a-e it ho$e. 3. 8e dragged tree li$bs a d ,i es. 4. &# -eepi g a good attit%de. 5. 8e belie,es that opti$is$ a d a$bitio $a-e a #thi g possible.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. b

Exercise 3
1. I 2. C 3. C 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. I 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. I 13. I 14. C 15. C 16. I 17. I 18. C 19. C 20. C

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit (
Exercise 1
1. te$perate 2. Celsi%s 3. parasite 4. a7%atic 5. bi6arre 6. co$pa io 7. biosphere 8. ecolog# 9. ,%l erable 10. feat

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F 9rotists ha,e a high tolera ce for extreme co ditio s. 2. ! 3. F / protist splits its o&n %cle%s i fissio . 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. !he protest co%ld be co$fortable i )ater that )as 150 degrees Celsi%s. 2. 9rotists )ere the first life for$ o :arth. 3. / protists releases itroge gas. 4. It s)i$s %p to o e a d s)allo)s it )hole. 5. / protists % dergoes the reprod%cti,e process of fissio

Exercise 2
1. tolera ce 2. repetiti,e 3. pro$i e t 4. %cle%s 5. coarse

Exercise 3
1. I 2. C 3. C 4. I 5. I 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. I 11. I 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. I 16. I 17. I 18. C 19. I 20. C

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit )
Exercise 1
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F !he hostile army )a ted to do$i ate a d oppress the people. 3. ! 4. F !he doctor sho)ed the )o$a a de se patch of edible plants. 5. F !he )o$a ga,e the doctor a cera$ic bo)l to sho) her than*s. Part B 1. 8e )a ted to %se a e) $edicatio to treat the sic- people. 2. *he tho%ght bread a d )ater )o%ld be e o%gh for hi$. 3. 8e )a ted her to i crease her so 's i ta-e of ,egetables. 4. 8e ga,e her a prescriptio for pai $edici e. 5. 8e )a ted her to help her so sta# health#.

Exercise 2
1. hostile 2. do$i ate 3. $isco ceptio 4. c%li ar# 5. $edicatio 6. prescriptio 7. edible 8. peel 9. $al %tritio 10. i ta-e

Exercise 3
1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c

Exercise 4
1. I 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. I 6. C 7. C 8. I 9. I 10. I 11. C 12. I 13. I 14. C 15. C

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit +
Exercise 1
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F !he $a#or of ;etherto didn"t &ant <oseph to i$pose his radical fad o the to) . 2. ! 3. F !he $a#or of 1ilto co!ldn"t re%!te the fact that the $achi e had dra)bac-s. 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. / large proportio of the people )or-ed i )ea,i g. 2. Cloth $ade b# ha d )ill soo be obsolete. 3. If he bo%ght the $achi e+ the people )o%ld lose their (obs. 4. 8e reali6ed the $achi e co%ld bri g $o e# a d prestige. 5. ;obod# bo%ght the poor cloth fro$ ;etherto a #$ore.

Exercise 2
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b

Exercise 3
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. a

Exercise 4
1. C 2. I 3. C 4. I 5. C

Exercise $
1. pe i s%la 2. di$i ish 3. depe de ce 4. dra)bac-s 5. proportio 6. co$po e ts 7. i$pose 8. ref%ted 9. spectac%lar 10. be e,ole t

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1,
Exercise 1
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F &ill )as i differe t abo%t the company"s s%ccess. 3. F &ill irrigated his crops as a preca%tio for the %pco$i g dry s%$$er. 4. ! 5. F ...a d planted so# a d cabbage. Part B 1. .=o%'re cra6#>0 2. &ill had co te$pt to)ard his (ob. 3. &ill )as happ#. 4. &%#i g la d a d tools 5. !he si$plicit# of a life o a far$

Exercise 2
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. d

Exercise 3
1. C 2. C 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. I 7. C 8. C 9. I 10. I

Exercise 4
1. so# 2. preca%tio 3. /cco% ta ts 4. $o etar# 5. preli$i ar# 6. sat%rated 7. fi a ced 8. capitalist 9. i differe t 10. dedicate


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 11
Exercise 1
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. d

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F It )as i e,itable that &eetho,e )o%ld lose his hearing altogether. 4. ! 5. F &eetho,e 's legac# li,es o beca%se great $%sic never becomes o%tdated. Part B 1. !he #o% g &eetho,e de,eloped a partialit# for classical $%sic. 2. 8e first lear ed to pla# the pia o )he he )as fi,e. 3. 8e bega to cr#. 4. 8is passio for $%sic co$pelled hi$ to -eep perfor$i g. 5. It )as o e of the fi est i histor#.

Exercise 2
1. biograph# 2. ac%te 3. aggressio 4. ,irt%e 5. arrated 6. partialit# 7. o%tdated 8. legac# 9. otorio%s 10. co$pel

Exercise 3
1. I 2. C 3. I 4. C 5. C 6. I 7. C 8. I 9. C 10. I 11. I 12. C 13. I 14. C 15. I 16. C 17. C 18. I 19. C 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 12
Exercise 1
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F <oh la%ghed at -ar*"s ig ora ce. 3. ! 4. ! 5. F <oh )as a % dergrad%ate )ho st%died history a d a thropolog#. Part B 1. !he# )ere appla%ded for their hard )or-. 2. 8e tho%ght he co%ld b%ild a good stat%e. 3. <oh told hi$ )hat !%t loo-ed li-e. 4. "ar- co ferred )ith <oh abo%t e,er# detail. 5. 1he )e p%t o%r tale ts together+ )e are capable of great ess.

Exercise 2
1. co sec%ti,e 2. $asc%li e 3. co$patible 4. $%sc%lar 5. % dergrad%ate 6. tattoo 7. post%re 8. s#$$etr# 9. ig ora ce 10. cr%de

Exercise 3
1. C 2. C 3. I 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. I 10. C 11. I 12. I 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. I 17. C 18. I 19. I 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 13
Exercise 1
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F :l,is possessed the criteria to be a great racing dog. 2. ! 3. ! 4. F I the i terior the facilit#+ there )as a heap of bones a d bread cr%sts for co s%$ptio . 5. ! Part B 1. 8is fac%lties )ere ot as stro g as the# %sed to be. 2. :l,is )as e titled to a better life. 3. 8e e,er lost a race i the orther he$isphere. 4. :l,is )as escorted to a bea%tif%l facilit#. 5. !here )as a sig o the e3ter al door that said+ .5ogs 1elco$e>0

Exercise 2
1. broo2. co s%$ptio 3. pedestria s 4. escort 5. ho% d 6. fac%lt# 7. spectators 8. facilit# 9. i$perso al 10. co siderate

Exercise 3
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. d

Exercise 4
1. ho% ds 2. cr%st 3. spectator 4. or a$e ts 5. criteria 6. sa ct%ar# 7. fac%lt# 8. heap 9. broo10. e title


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 14
Exercise 1
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. b 10. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F /t first+ *a$ is a s*eptic. 8e thi -s the assig $e t )ill be eas#. 3. F 1he *a$ goes i to the -itche + he ca 't read the e)spaper. 4. ! 5. F 1itho%t his se se of sight+ *a$ has )orse spatial a)are ess a d is 't able to coordinate his $o,e$e ts easil#. Part B 1. /ccordi g to the teacher+ the premise of the e3peri$e t is to help the st%de ts % dersta d )hat it's li-e to be bli d. 2. *a$ reali6ed ho) i$porta t heari g )as for bli d people. 3. *a$ )as 't able to perfor$ sim!ltaneo!s acti,ities beca%se he had to $a-e s%re he )as safe first. 4. *a$ oticed that the b%d see$ed to be co,ered )ith &ax. 5. It sho)ed hi$ sight )as a asset that sho%ld be appreciated a d ta%ght hi$ to re,ere the tale ts of bli d people.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b

Exercise 3
1. I 2. I 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. I 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. I 13. I 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. C 18. I 19. C 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1$
Exercise 1
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F 1he :r est sa) the $a sta di g e3t to the $ast+ he decided to help him o!t o% his dilemma. 4. ! 5. F :r est had the i ate desire to help others. Part B 1. !here )as a elaborate pai ti g of a a,al battle o the side of his boat. 2. !heir clothes )ere sat%rated )ith sea)ater. 3. :r est tho%ght the bo# )as s%fferi g fro$ a%sea. 4. !here )ere se,eral large fish i a po%ch i the boat. 5. :r est lear ed it better ot to offer help % less it )as as-ed for.

Exercise 2
1. i ferred 2. ade7%ate 3. i ate 4. facilitate 5. po%ch 6. %pdate 7. fleet 8. sat%rated 9. $ast 10. i flated

Exercise 3
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. c

Exercise 4
1. I 2. I 3. I 4. C 5. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1'
Exercise 1
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. b

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F !here is o archeological e,ide ce that the Chi ese act%all# $ade parach%tes. 2. F / 5a ?i ci dra)i g of a parach%te correspo ds )ith $oder parach%te desig . 3. ! 4. F 8e %sed t)o %$brellas to restrict his speed as he tra,eled to the go% d. 5. ! Part B 1. *ebastia %sed %$brellas beca%se he had a s$all b%dget. 2. *ebastia tho%ght that a parach%te )o%ld restrict the (%$per fro$ gai i g too $%ch speed as the# fell. 3. *ebastia (%$ped off a tall b%ildi g o a Fre ch estate a d la ded safel# i the co%rt#ard. 4. <ea @9ierre )as a propo e t of %si g parach%tes to (%$p o%t hot air balloo s i stead of %si g the$ to (%$p o%t of b%r i g b%ildi gs. 5. <ea @9ierre first %sed the parach%te )he he had a chaotic e3perie ce a d the balloo he )as ridi g i b%rst.

Exercise 2
1. co%rt#ard 2. chaotic 3. correspo ded 4. cited 5. fra%d

Exercise 4
1. C 2. I 3. C 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. I 11. C 12. I 13. I 14. C 15. I

Exercise 3
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. a


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1(
Exercise 1
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F !he pri cipal h% g the pai ti g i fro t of the office as a sti$%l%s for the st%de ts to pla# sports. 2. ! 3. F &ill# )as i$plicated beca%se a fello) st%de t said she sa& him do it. 4. ! 5. F !he pri cipal threate ed to ter$i ate &ill#'s ed%catio if his pare ts did 't pa# for the pai ti g. Part B 1. !he pri cipal said that &ill# )as a chro ic liar. 2. 8is s%spicio )as that the tape fro$ the sec%rit# ca$eras )o%ld sho) )ho reall# did the cri$e. 3. !he ,ideotape sho)ed a other bo# lea,i g graffiti o the pai ti g+ holdi g a - ife b# the shaft a d stabbi g it+ the %si g the - ife to se,er the stri g that held it %p. 4. !he attor e# s%ggested that the bo# respo sible eeded discipli e. 5. &ill# said he )a ted to $a(or i la) a d beca$e a attor e# so he co%ld be a g%ardia of (%stice li-e "r. "e#ers.

Exercise 2
1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. b

Exercise 3
1. grad%ated 2. do or 3. t%itio 4. sti$%l%s 5. i$plicated 6. graffiti 7. chro ic 8. discipli e 9. gossip 10. ter$i ate

Exercise 4
1. C 2. I 3. I 4. C 5. I 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. I 12. C 13. I 14. C 15. C 17

4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1)
Exercise 1
1. d 2. a 3. c 4. a 5.c

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F !he priso er )as led fro$ the compo!nd to the arena. 3. F 1hile he $editated+ the soldier )as not distracted b# his oppo e t. 4. F !he -i g ga,e the bra,e soldier a$ est#. 5. ! Part B 1. !he capti,e see$ed li-e he )as d%$b beca%se he )as 7%iet. 2. "a-i g capti,es fight o e a other )as co$$o place d%ri g the reig of the e e$# -i g. 3. 8is oppo e t )as s-illed i the real$ of s)ord fighti g. 4. !he soldier )as ic-ed o the chee-. 5. !he 7%iet soldier pro,ed that peace ca co 7%er ,iole ce.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. d

Exercise 3
1. b 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. c

Exercise 4
1. C 2. I 3. C 4. I 5. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 1+
Exercise 1
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F <a e tho%ght she )o%ld precipitate a disaster if she made her fre7%e t $ista-es. 2. ! 3. F <a e p%t grease o the i tricate motor"s gears. 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. *he had to steer the boat bac- to the docto fi d help. 2. *he p%lled %p the a chor )ith all of her $ight. 3. !he# pai ted the a$e o the fore of the ship 4. *he )as tr#i g to offset the )i d. 5. It )as to pro,e to her that she )as capable a d i$porta t.

Exercise 2
1. seco dha d 2. doc3. distort 4. fore 5. accordi gl# 6. co te3t 7. i tricate 8. o,erlap 9. desig ate 10. grease

Exercise 3
1. C 2. C 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. I 7. I 8. C 9. I 10. I 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. I 15. C 16. C 17. I 18. C 19. I 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2,
Exercise 1
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F Chips e3press the aggregate %$ber of i$$% e a d in%ected cells i a ratio. 3. ! 4. ! 5. F 9%tti g microchips i h%$a s is beco$i g $ore pre,ale t. Part B 1. !he special $ag et copies the chip's data. 2. "icrochips hold abo%t the sa$e a$o% t of data as $ost co$p%ters. 3. !he e3t phase of the process i ,ol,es p%tti g it % der eath the perso 's s-i . 4. "icrochips sca the patie t's bod#. 5. "edici e a d co$p%ter tech olog# co$ple$e t each other.

Exercise 2
1. ,iral 2. a tibiotic 3. database 4. ratio 5. phase 6. spiral 7. $ag et 8. i p%t 9. pre,ale t 10. i$$% e

Exercise 3
1. pre,ale t 2. phase 3. ,iral 4. a tibiotics 5. co$ple$e t 6. i p%t 7. database 8. pi ch 9. $etabolis$ 10. spiral

Exercise 4
1. C 2. I 3. C 4. C 5. I 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. I


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 21
Exercise 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a a a c b

Reading Comprehension.
Part A 1. F !he girls loo-ed li-e clo es+ and the# %sed the same collo7%ial la g%age. 2. F ... Aatie )as a ling!ist a d /lice ... 3. ! 4. F /lice )as asto% ded )he she sa) Aatie )eari g nice clothes. 5. ! Part B 1. /lice )as 't i terested i Fre ch. 2. /lice felt ,er# $ess# e3t to her. 3. I the past the#'d al)a#s told each other e,er#thi g i detail. 4. &efore their birthda#+ the#'d tal- all ight lo g. 5. It's totall# pla%sible for t)i s to ha,e differe t i terests.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. c 6.d 7.d 8.c 9.b 10.a

Exercise 3
1. I 2. I 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. I 9. C 10. I 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. I 15. I 16. C 17. I 18. I 19. C 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 22
Exercise 1
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F man!%act!red dr!gs to treat diabetes a d high cholesterol. 2. ! 3. ! 4. ! 5. F /fter the co$pa # $i i$i6ed air poll!tion+ the $otto beca$e apt. Part B 1. ."a-e the :arth a better place.0 2. <ac- stood %p to gi,e a speech. 3. 1e ca fi3 thi gs if )e all )or- together. 4. !he )or-ers threate ed to 7%it. 5. *i ce I ca 't afford to lose all $# )or-ers+ I g%ess )e'll (%st ha,e to fi3 thi gs.

Exercise 2
1. $a %fact%res 2. $echa is$s 3. ad$i istratio 4. cholesterol 5. decepti,e 6. e3plicit 7. coalitio 8. pro e 9. fra$e)or10. straightfor)ard

Exercise 3
1. C 2. C 3. I 4. C 5. I 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. I 12. C 13. C 14. I 15. C 16. I 17. C 18. I 19. C 20. I


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 23
Exercise 1
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. c 9. d 10. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F thro%gh the debris of bro-e asteroids. 2. ! 3. F !he tail shi ed )ith 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. 1hile roa$i g thro%gh the gloo$ of the gala3#+ the little roc- felt sad. 2. !he $oo s had craters a d shi # cresce ts. 3. !he circ%$fere ce of the pla et )as h% dreds of ti$es larger tha the breadth of the s$all roc-. 4. !he little frag$e t of roc- )as filled )ith despair beca%se he )as s%rro% ded b# bea%t# a d great ess+ #et he )as (%st a s$all a d %gl# roc-. 5. !he tail loo-ed li-e a galactic cape.

Exercise 2
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c

Exercise 3
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b

Exercise 4
1. cresce t 2. roa$ed 3. craters 4. breadth 5. frag$e t 6. ato$ 7. e$bedded 8. solitar# 9. radiates 10. stat%s


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 24
Exercise 1
1. a 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1 F If the te a ts did 't pa# the lease+ the la dlord co%ld ot pa# his mortgage a d 2. ! 3. ! 4. F !he carpenter $e ded 5. ! Part B 1. I additio to dressers+ the te a ts f%r ished so$e of the apart$e ts )ith e) beds a d chairs. 2. If the la dlord did ot co for$ to the cit#'s $a dator# h#gie ic sta dards+ his te a ts )o%ld ha,e to lea,e b# the e d of the $o th. 3. 8e had re7%ested a e3te sio + b%t the cit# de ied it. 4. !he te a t )ho had )or-ed for the cit#'s %tilities repaired the b%ildi g's pl%$bi g. 5. 1he the# )ere do e+ all of the people dispersed+ a d the la dlord )e t ho$e to rest.

Exercise 2
1. e$plo#s 2. e3pelled 3. f%r ished 4. h#gie e 5. lease 6. $e d 7. perso el 8. pl%$bi g 9. tre d# 10. %tilit#

Exercise 3
1. I 2. C 3. C 4. I 5. C 6. I 7. I 8. I 9. C 10. C 11. I 12. C 13. I 14. C 15. C 16. I 17. I 18. C 19. C 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2$
Exercise 1
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F !he e3ec%ti,e did not care abo%t 2. ! 3. ! 4. F !he e3ec%ti,e )al-ed %p the steep i cli e of the (% gle's hills. 5. F !he e3ec%ti,e's stereot#pe of the pri$ate )as &rong. Part B 1. !he ho e# o the t)ig that $ade it stic-# e o%gh to capt%re ter$ites. 2. Fatig%e a d h% ger )ea-e ed hi$. 3. &eca%se he had a bias agai st the pri$iti,e )a#s of the $o -e#+ he had go e h% gr#. 4. 8e %sed the t)ig li-e it )as a drill. 5. 8e e,er percei,ed that his arroga t attit%de )as the ca%se of all his proble$s.

Exercise 2
1. ca #o 2. fatig%e 3. stereot#pe 4. pri$iti,e 5. trail 6. aesthetic 7. ter$ites 8. t)ig 9. cree10. )elfare

Exercise 3
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. d

Exercise 4
1. t)igs 2. stic-# 3. pri$iti,e 4. pri$ates 5. fatig%e


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2'
Exercise 1
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F I 5a o's s%$$ar#+ he told Cos$o to -eep his bod# hori6o tal agai st the )i ds of the 9acific 4cea . 4. F Cosmo flapped his )i gs a d orbited the globe. 5. F Cos$o h%$$ed a t% e )hile he fle) a d e (o#ed the ,ie). Part B 1. Cos$o's i )ard tho%ghts abo%t falli g )ere o lo ger rele,a t. 2. 5a o told Cos$o that the $o% tai tops )ill loo- li-e loa,es of bread. 3. .I'll do $# best.0 4. !he ri,ers of the )orld )o%ld loo- li-e pieces of bl%e stri g. 5. 8e declared Cos$o a $a .

Exercise 2
1. globe 2. behalf 3. rite 4. o,er,ie) 5. pro,ided 6. loaf 7. i )ard 8. rele,a t 9. oracles 10. orbit

Exercise 3
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. c

Exercise 4
1. pre,io%s 2. oracle 3. hori6o tal 4. pre,ie) 5. loaf 6. i )ard 7. h%$ 8. pro,ide 9. stall 10. glacier


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2(
Exercise 1
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. F I ter al orga tra spla ts )ere a fa tas# be%ore 1954. 2. F /r. -!rray )as a pio eer of e) s%rgical proced%res. 3. ! 4. ! 5. ! Part B 1. Bobert's )or-i g -id e# )as s%bstit%ted for Bichard's bad o e. 2. !he# had the e3act sa$e biological traits a d cell%lar feat%res. 3. 5octors prescribed ph#sical therap# to re,i,e Bichard2s stre gth. 4. !he s%rgeo s $ade $i i$al c%ts i the t)i s' sides. 5. Bichard )as a health#+ happ# perso .

Exercise 2
1. therap# 2. biological 3. fa tas# 4. adapt 5. cell%lar 6. rigid 7. d# a$ic 8. pio eer 9. se7%e ce 10. re,i,ed

Exercise 3
1. C 2. C 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. I 10. C 11. C 12. I 13. I 14. I 15. C 16. I 17. C 18. I 19. I 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2)
Exercise 1
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F If <oe )rote a a%tobiograph#+ he )o%ld )rite that this &as the happiest day o% his li%e. 4. ! 5. F 1he he ope ed the door+ he sa) a bea%tif%l )o$a . Part B 1. <oe tho%ght the a%ght# eighborhood childre )ere pla#i g a tric- o hi$. 2. 8e too- o%t so$e statio er# to )rite a letter to the 6oo. 3. 8e bo%ght health# food for the$. 4. 8e probed <oe to lear )h# he spe t his $o e# o the 6oo i stead of o hi$self. 5. 8e )o%ld describe this da# as the happiest da# of his life.

Exercise 2
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. c

Exercise 3
1. I 2. C 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. I 9. I 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. I 14. C 15. I 16. C 17. C 18. I 19. C 20. C


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 2+
Exercise 1
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. ! 3. F 0en b%$ped i to the fossil of a a%the tic elepha t t%s-. 4. F <e )as chose beca%se she )as frie dl#+ p% ct%al+ a d had a great attit!de. 5. ! Part B 1. <e hoped that the rest of the to%r )o%ld go better. 2. <e )a ted to tal- abo%t the chro olog# of / cie t :g#pt. 3. *he s ee6ed a d tore a page of the epic. 4. <e tho%ght she )as a horrible to%r g%ide. 5. 8ard )or-

Exercise 2
1. t%s-s 2. a ti7%e 3. $o arch 4. "a(est# 5. applica ts 6. register 7. a%the tic 8. ref% d 9. fossil 10. artifact

Exercise 3
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. b

Exercise 4
1. t%s2. a%the tic 3. recr%it 4. p% ct%al 5. chro olog# 6. fossil 7. e3cerpt 8. l#ric 9. epic 10. re o)


4000 Essential English Words 5 Answer Key

Unit 3,
Exercise 1
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b

Reading Comprehension
Part A 1. ! 2. F ... b# ho) high the &ater had risen. 3. ! 4. ! 5. F ... re% io )ith her dog and co&. Part B 1. !he $a t%r ed i to a h#brid of a h%$a a d a fish. 2. *he )as o,er)hel$ed b# ho) high the )ater had rise . 3. 8e as-ed for the first li,i g thi g that crosses the bridge. 4. *he shi,ered beca%se she reali6ed that he had ta-e ad,a tage of her i oce ce a d rigged a trap for her. 5. 8e called her a .croo-.0

Exercise 2
1. sociable 2. tra$ped 3. crafted 4. rigged 5. $erged

Exercise 3
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. d

Exercise 4
1. I 2. C 3. I 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. C 10. I


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