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Michelle Gilbert 13 October 2013 LBC Essay

The LBC event I attended was the Fall Ma or Fest on Monday! October1"# This event was abo$t Ma ors and Minors# This was a %reat o&&ort$nity 'or (e beca$se I had the chance to (eet 'ac$lty! sta''! and advisers that tal)ed to (e abo$t (y (a or# * 'ew &eo&le that I (et with were Cindy +odri%$es! an assistant director 'or the Mc,air -cholars .ro%ra(# Carla Tayen! a &ro'essor 'or the (athe(atics de&art(ent# Gre%% /einrichs! an acade(ic adviser# One thin% I did learn that I had no idea abo$t is that .re0Medicine is not a (a or that yo$ can receive a de%ree 'ro(# -o Gre%% /einrichs %ave (e the o&tion to either %o into Biolo%y (a or or Che(istry (a or based on the occ$&ation I was %oin% 'or# The occ$&ation I a( %oin% 'or is Gynecolo%ist# My new (a or is Biolo%y# I have a list o' all co$rses I have to ta)e 'or (y (a or# I )new by havin% a biolo%y (a or there are %oin% to be &lenty o' science co$rses I a( %oin% to have to ta)e# The thin% I was (ore s$r&rised abo$t was this &artic$lar (ath co$rse1 Math 120 Calc$l$s 1# I have a stron% 'eelin% that even tho$%h I a( very %ood at (ath this is %oin% to be a hard co$rse 'or (e# This event relates closely to Cha&ter 12 Ma ors 2 Career Choices# They relate beca$se Cha&ter 12 covers careers! e3&lorin% yo$r interests! and wor)in% while in colle%e# -o(e o' what was covered in the LBC event# I will $se the in'or(ation that was %iven 'ro( this event by )nowin% which classes to ta)e d$rin% (y ne3t 'ew years at

Eastern Michi%an 4niversity# ,e3t se(ester I will be ta)in% Biolo%y 110! En%lish 121! *'rican *(erican st$dies! and Math 10"# 5ith the hel& 'ro( the advisors they set $& (y ne3t se(ester sched$le# I wo$ld hi%hly reco((end this event to others! beca$se i' yo$ have an $ndeclared (a or this event will hel& yo$ decide what yo$ really want to do#

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