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12/6/13 The saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child.

The Hoola team here is much like a amily and there !ere times !here " elt much like a child #ust taking my irst ste$s as a teacher. " really like that !e can give and receive hel$ rom each other so readily and easily. %t irst& the e'$erience !as really over!helming( the $rogram is such a !ell)oiled machine& " !asnt sure !here " could it in. *y e'$erience here !as an un orgetta+le one and " !ouldnt have had it any other !ay. " had the o$$ortunity to visit the other academies& and there !as team teaching& +ut rom !hat " o+served& it !asnt as e icient or it didnt lo! as !ell as it did in Hoola. ,ne o the many advantages !ith team teaching is the act that you can colla+orate !ith your team and discover the +est !ay to hel$ a student. " ind that to +e the +iggest strength& i a student acts u$ in one class& they cant get a!ay !ith the error +ecause they !ill +e disci$lined in the ne't class. The !hole teaching team is on the same $age and i one student doesnt connect !ith a teacher& they have many others to choose rom. -hen it came to co)teaching& " !as nervous at irst& +eing $aired u$ !ith a veteran teacher and trying to kee$ u$ !as a really daunting task. %t irst " !as too unsure o mysel and elt like " didnt have any authority& +ut my co)teacher hel$ed to reassure me and +reak me out o that shell. " !as a+le to get the hel$ and su$$ort " needed !hen it came to classroom management and content a$$lication. " also !as given the o$$ortunity to hel$ cover the history class and co)teach !ith the science teacher giving me a chance to !ork on my e iciency and cross)content teaching.

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