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Dear Parents, Hello! My name is Nikki Shedd! As many of you know, I am student teaching under Mrs. hor!

e for the ne"t few weeks. As !art of our com!etencies as student teachers, we are asked to dis!lay di#ersity in our teaching. Assessing and utili$ing your child%s indi#idual learning style is !art of that di#ersity com!onent. In addition, knowing their indi#idual learning strengths can hel! you im!ro#e and assist in their learning. &ou may e#en want to take this in#entory, yourself! Attached to this !age, you will find a short learning style in#entory. Sim!ly !lace a check mark ne"t to each statement that is a'solutely true. Please stress to our child to mark a check ne"t to the statement only if it is always true. Please com!lete and score this with your child, and send it 'ack in their ake( Home )older as soon as !ossi'le. Here is a ta'le with some hel!ful information on how you can use your child%s learning style *or your own!+ to im!ro#e their,your learningEssential Question How can knowing my learning style help me learn? Auditory Learners Kinesthetic Learners .. )ace the s!eaker /. 0atch #ideos or !odcasts 2. 3e!eat facts out loud 5. 4reate songs to hel! you remem'er what you learn 6. 1se word association to hel! remem'er facts *sounds like...+ .. Mo#e around while memori$ing /. 1se a com!uter

Visual Learners

.. Highlight im!ortant information /. Study from the com!uter

2. 4reate gestures for #oca'ulary 2. Make study cards with !ictures 5. 1se musical rhythms for memori$ing !atterns 6. 4reate your own mani!ulati#es to master new material *i.e. flash cards, legos, etc.+ 5. Draw !ictures as you learn 6. 0atch a #ideo a'out what you%re learning

If you would like some more information on learning styles, here are some hel!ful we'sites htt!-,,,learning,7styles htt!-,,www.wy$,news,newsletters,89,the:2:'asic:learning:styles:how:do:you:learn: 'est htt!-,,,education(articles,how(do(you(learn.htm hank you!

Nikki Shedd

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