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BANGLADESH (Physical Factors)

Tropical climate Bangladesh is located in the


Ganges Delta. There is no desert. It has a massive river network. It has loads of flat land. There is good fertile land for farming. Has the largest mangrove forest in the world

Prone to floods, tornadoes, cyclones and monsoons One of the most vulnerable countries to climate change Frequent water contamination with arsenic Threat of eathquakes

(Human Factors)
POSITIVES Popular and thriving cricketing culture.
Strong traditions of

NEGATIVES Hierarchal society Strict customs and beliefs

Low education rates
Low health rates Marriage is mostly

music, dance, and literature Increase in services (transport and tourism)

contractual rather than religious sacrament Repression of women

(Economic Factors)
POSITIVES One of the largest (44th) economies in the world. Dependency on foreign grants and loans from decreased from 85% to 2% in 22 years
One of the worlds

Political instability.
Poor infrastructure Insufficient power

supplies 49% of population is below poverty line

greatest producers

CANADA (Physical Factors)

Second largest land mass

Geographically very far

in the world. Bordered but not landlocked Contains most of the worlds fresh water

north. Short growing season. Cold, harsh climate. No roads in summer in some parts due to iced over roads. Geologically active Hard to navigate due to poor weather. Land is bad for farming. Must fly in supplies.

(Human Factors)

POSITIVES Good health care Safest nation Best quality of life Some of the best education in the world Multicultural Most tolerant nation Leaders in technology Officially bilingual

Foreign monarchy Very liberal views on

most social fronts

(Economic Factors)
POSITIVES One of the largest (11th) economies Low national debt
Low taxes Soundest banking

NEGATIVES Troubled by slow economic growth Sensitive to the Eurozone Crisis

Higher than normal


unemployment rates



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