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Joshua Gute English 1102 HW Response 9/10 My previous experience with workshopping was working in revision groups in another

r English course. PRO: Fast responses from several readers. CON: Readers were more interested in discussing opinion of topic than revising structure. Editing is the correction of grammatical errors, spelling, sentence structure, and other cosmetic issues. Revision is the restructure of themes, or redesign of writing. Revision should be performed before editing in the writing process. Restructure needs to happen in the early stages of writing because it would be redundant to edit small errors that may be removed in a Big Picture change. My concern with workshopping is that the readers involved do not share common opinions with the writer, and cannot be impartial. Most my experiences are with students not considered peers in my field. Before you up and start reading the paper, take a minute (alright, thirty seconds) to make a mental checklist about the circumstances of the writing, the context. Get specific These are two suggestions from Straub I implement in class workshopping.

The Subject is Writing. 2nd ed. Ed. Wendy Bishop. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers, 1999.

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