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Parent Letter Grading Rubric

Major Revisions Needed Meets Expectations with a Few Minor Revisions Needed 3 Parent Letter is written in a way that portrays professionalism, is relatively free of grammatical and spelling errors (although a few minor corrections may be needed). Letter may need to be revised to be one page or less (not counting the list of items needed). The letter shares one or two learning activities and the proposed field trip, but may need to do so in more detail so that they are easily understood by the reader. The parent letter invites parental involvement/participation however, may not provide specific details on what parents can do. Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectation s ! Parent Letter is written in a way that portrays profession alism, is free of grammatic al and spelling errors. Letter is one page or less (not counting the list of items needed). The letter introduces the theme in a way that promotes interest and enthusias m in the reader. The letter

Parent Letter "2#Pts $

1 or 2 The parent letter has grammar and/or spelling errors and is lacking professionalism. The letter is lacking in detail. The letter does not sufficiently encourage parent involvement and participation

Parent Letter is written in a way that portrays professionalism, is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Letter is one page or less (not counting the list of items needed). The letter introduces the theme in a way that promotes interest and enthusiasm in the reader. The letter briefly shares one or two learning activities and proposed field trip. The parent letter lets parents know that their input and participation is valued and they are invited to share their ideas, e!pertise and time.

briefly shares one or two learning activities and proposed field trip. The parent letter lets parents know that their input and participatio n is valued and they are invited to share their ideas, e!pertise and time. The Parent Letter provides specific e!amples of activities parents can do at home.

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