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I first opened my eyes when I began to feel the cool trickle of liquid roll down my eyelids. As I regained my consciousness, I groaned as I brought my hand up to touch the wound along my scalp. Unfortunately, I rattled the chains that led up to the ceiling of the barn. I became aware that my attacker was still in the room, as I heard his maniacal laughter bouncing off of the beams. It was right as I was about to touch the shallow wound that I reached too far up with my hand and broke my wrist on the chain. I began to scream, hoping to alert someone outside that I was in danger. This seemed to give my assailant the greatest pleasure, because his laughter grew more boisterous. Now, I knew that I was going to die. This was due to the fact that I heard him bring out his shiv and it sounded like he was sharpening his hunting knife with it. Plus, he had finished playing with his plaything as he liked to call me. He seemed intent on me feeling all of the pain that he had inflicted on me. When I had come to the realization that Death was looming nearby, my screams became hysterical sobs. He laughed at my pain again. I heard him approach me from somewhere behind me. As I felt his breath on my neck, my cries became louder and even more hysterical. He laughed into my neck and I knew what would be happening next.

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