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Syllabus Lecture1: unction Keys, mands. Lecture 2: Practice.

Introduction to AutoCAD, Understanding Coordinate Systems, F Making Objects using Grid & Snap, limits, Line & Circle com

Lecture 3: Creating new Folders, Saving & Opening the Drawings. Understa nding Object Snap Commands: - Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse, Zoom, Pan, Limits, Trim, Regen. Lecture 4: Lecture 5: Lecture 6: Lecture 7: ly-line. Lecture 8: or. . Lecture 9: Lecture 10: Lecture 11: Lecture 12: Lecture 13: vious, All, Lecture 14: r, Lecture 15: Lecture 16: Lecture 17: Lecture 18: Lecture 19: Lecture 20: Lecture 21: t. Lecture 22: Lecture 23: s, Pyramid) Command: - From, Fillet, Chamfer, Donut Command: - Array, Arc, offset. Practice. Commands: - Units, Linetype, Ltscale, Lweight, Lcolour, & Po X-Line, Ray, Mline, Mlstyle, Copy, Move, Rotate, Hatch, Mirr Commands: - Break, Pedit, Explode, Spline, Join. Commands: - Stretch, Scale, Lengthen, Extend. Command: - Text, Mtext, Ddedit, Oops, Grip editing, Table. Practice. Methods of Entity Selection (Window, Crossing Window, Last, Pre Window Polygon, Crossing Polygon & Fence). Making Blocks, Inserting Blocks, Using Auto Cad Designing cente Inserting Drawing-reference. Layers, Match Properties. Inquiry Commands Practice Dimensioning the Drawings Modifying dimensioning Style Practice & problem of 2D Drafting Commands: - Region, Extrude, Union, Subtract, Intersect, 3Dorbi Commands: - View, Thickness, Elevation, Visual Style Modeling (Poly Solid, Box, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, Wedge, Toru

Lecture 24: Lecture 25: ong a Path Lecture 26: Lecture 27: rfere. Lecture 28: -

Practice Understanding User Coordinate System (UCS), Plan, Extruding al Command: - Press Pull, Revolve, Loft, Helix, Sweep. Filleting & Chamfering In 3D, Commands: - Slice, Section, Inte Command: - Solid edit.

Lecture 29: Commands: - 3darray, Rotate3d, Mirror3d, Align. Lecture 30: Making Objects Using Viewports, Using Paper Space, Preparing a Layout, Plotting You re Drawing File. Lecture 31: Practice & Problems of 3D.

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