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Chinese Investment Giant Backs Pharmaceutical Venture in the US

With registered capital of assets of approximately 300 billion USD,China Gaoxin Investment Gro p Corp! is ma"ing a ma#or financial commitment to provide e$ ipment and services to the %orld %ide pharmace tical and n tritional s pplement man fact ring ind stry! &he 'merican channel to mar"et is thro gh (ight St ff )$ ipment in Denver Colorado, %here demo e$ ipment, engineering s pport and parts are available! *ei#ing +anlin +angy &echnology Development Co! is c rrently a dominate force in the pharmace tical and s pplement machine man fact ring in 'sia, and operates nder the brand name of Dr ,harm ,recision -achinery! &heir plant occ pies over ./0,000 S$ 0t and a ne%, larger plant is in the planning stage! With the latest infl x of financial capital from China Gaoxin Investment Gro p, Dr ,harm %ill be expanding it1s mar"et %orld%ide, partic larly foc sing on the United States! 2&he Dr ,harm brand provides a high $ ality and very competitive price option for the pharmace tical and n trace tical mar"ets! ,rod ct lines incl de caps le fillers, tablet presses, blister pac"aging, bottle filling, labeling and cartoning e$ ipment that is f lly cG-, compliant!2 said 3evin Weber ,resident and C)4 of (ight St ff )$ ipment! 2 &he additional capital investment demonstrates the commitment by the company to establishing the Dr ,harm brand as a ma#or name in the US e$ ipment b siness!2 Gaoxin Investment Gro p Corp! %as established in .555 as one of China1s earliest state6o%ned vent re capital companies! 0or more information on Dr! ,harm US' high speed tablet press and caps le fill machines, please go to o r %ebsite7 http788drpharm6 sa!com! Contact7 3evin Weber )mail7 "%eber9drpharm6 sa!com ,hone7 30363:;6<;0<

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