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English Literature

Mr Marcus Felsman

The importance of English Literature

There is a great deal of flexibility in the topics chosen each half term. The topics we teach for English Language are fully integrated with, and often derive from, the class readers. These texts change each term. They are chosen in order to expose students to a variety of English Literature, taking into account the correct reading level for the age and competence in English of a given group of Year 7 students. They will also give students a chance to discuss, empathise, explore context and begin to analyse literature. Teachers of English make use of differentiation so that each student can complete challenging and stimulating work. In class and out of class, support is given to English as a Second Language students depending upon individual circumstances. New students are also integrated into the class with consideration of their individual English needs.

The BSQ Key Stage 3 English in Year 7 course aims to: provide the students with ample opportunities in which to communicate through written and spoken English; begin to develop analytical skills of studying literature; develop an ability to write in specific styles, formality and for specific purposes; enable students to gain a functional use of the English Language; enjoy and appreciate many forms of writing; read with understanding and awareness of viewpoint and opinion; develop students ability to write accurately; prepare students for National Curriculum SATs examinations in Year 9.

Course outline
Poetry and Analysis Exploring different genres of poetry and developing analytical techniques Genre Magical RealismShort Story: A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Novel: Skellig by David Almond Fun with Shakespeare Macbeth explored through a variety of activities and texts, including modern adaptions.

The course will be assessed through a range of different creative and analytical writing tasks, speaking and listening assessments. The marking criteria, in all areas, is as follows Knowledge and Understanding Analysis of Stylistic and Literary Devices Language and Communication Organisation, Structure and use of Evidence Summative assessment

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