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Famous Tribes of the World.

Abhors-------People of Mongolian blood living between Assam and Eastern tribes Afridis-------Tribes residing in the North-west Frontier (Pakistan) Bantus-------Negroes living in the Central and South Africa Boers-------The Dutch settlers of South Africa Cossacks-------People living in the southern and eastern frontiers of Russia Eskimos-------Inhabitants of Greenland and of Arctic regions Flemings-------A term used for the people of Belgium Hamites-------Inhabitants of North-West Africa Khirgiz -------People Living in Central Asia Kurds-------Tribes living in Kurdistan (Iraq) Magyars-------Inhabitants of Hungary Maoris-------Inhabitants of New Zealand Negroes--------Mostly found in Africa Pygmies--------Short sized people found in Congo basin in Africa Red Indians--------Original inhabitants of North America Semites--------Caucasian people of ancient times Zulus--------People of South Africa living in certain part of Nata

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