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Cortado 1 Ciarra Cortado Professor Dambruch English 111 14 September 2013 Once a Stallion, Always a Stallion As I stepped outside

of my sisters 2002 Honda Civic, I started to feel the sweat drip from my forehead from the horrid humidity of the early September morning. I smoothed down my new shirt from JCPennys, as I adjusted my now frizzy straightened hair. The butterflies that I tried so hard to suppress on the car ride here started to creep up on me, as my sister and I walked down the curb of the student parking lot. Why do you look so nervous? Youre going to be perfectly fine; its just your first day of high school. These four years really do go by fast, so you better enjoy them while you can! my older sister stated, as she was about to embark on her senior year. Im not really looking forward to this, I just want to go back home and be a hobo forever. I hear high school is four years of torture! I bet Im going to hate it I exclaimed, with frustration. As a Virginia Beach native, Ive lived here all my life. I had moved a total of three times, but all within the same school districts. Therefore, I knew that when freshman year started, I would be following my father and older sisters footsteps by attending Green Run High School. I had heard of all the rumors about Green Run, and how it was portrayed as not a worthy school within the beach district. Contrary to popular belief, Green Run had such a positive impact on my life, looking back now, I couldnt have imagined going to any other school in the district. As my scared fourteen year old self stepped foot into stallion country that muggy September

Cortado 2 morning, I was unaware of how the next four years at Green Run would transform my leadership, social skills, and priorities for the better. I was sitting in health class one morning, when my physical education teacher came up to me and handed me a flyer. She didnt say anything to me at all; she just smiled and walked back to her desk. Run for SCA or Class Office, the top of the headline stated. I was surprised; I didnt think that was something suitable for me because I was shy and very reserved. The interest meeting was that same day, after school in the SCA room. I decided to attend just because I thought it wouldnt be any harm just to see what it was all about. When I finally found the room the meeting was held in, I came to notice there were very few people in attendance. The SCA advisors welcomed me with open arms, excited that I was considering running for an office. By the end of the meeting, they had convinced me to run for class secretary. After elections were over, I had won! I ran unopposed, but thats beside the point. Becoming sophomore class secretary really impacted my high school career. The next two years, I went on to become junior class secretary and SCA treasurer my senior year. Being involved with student leadership gave me so many opportunities that I wouldnt have had, if I didnt hold an office. When it came to any type of student activity, the student government was behind all the planning. So, when I would attended a school event, I had much more appreciation for it because I was there to help make it all happen. It opened so many doors to getting involved. I joined five different clubs throughout high school, was inducted into NHS, and played on the field hockey, soccer, and swim team. My leadership skills thrived because I had a lot of responsibilities to uphold. I really had a chance to show my true leadership my senior year, as captain of the field hockey team. Being involved with leadership roles within my school really started to become a part of who I was.

Cortado 3 Previously, I was always a shy and quiet person. I used to be terrified to talk to new people, because I was afraid Id say something stupid and embarrass myself. I always put up walls, to protect myself. I was far from outgoing, but that all changed when I made the choice to become involved at Green Run. Being a part of so many sports and activities around school, really made me break out of my shell. I think it all started when I had to give a speech in front of my whole graduating class, on why they should vote for me for class secretary. Public speaking used to be my biggest fear in life, so when I overcame that obstacle, it really broke down all the other walls that I built up. I became more outspoken and my social skills were enhanced. Communication is a very important skill when playing sports, so I was even able to become a better team player because I didnt feel as insecure anymore. Moreover, I made so many new friends and I know I wouldnt have if I hadnt had taken that leap of faith and ran for office. Lastly, while being involved at Green Run, my priorities had changed for the better. While in middle school, all I ever cared about was shopping and hanging out with friends. But when I transitioned into Green Run and got involved, all my priorities went into school and my education. I was always surrounded by people who were positively impacting my life. In NHS, I had friends who would study with me to help keep my grades up. In my sports, I had the friends would exercise with me so we would be in tip top shape. Within SCA, I had the friends who would volunteer with me, so our community would prosper. In high school, theres so many crowds that you can get involved in, some for the worse. Im just really grateful that I chose the path that kept me on track. I was able to graduate with honors and an advance diploma, and I heavily believe I was able to accomplish that because I surrounded myself with people who put education first.

Cortado 4 Overall, Green Run was the only high school I could have ever wished to attend. Those four years of my life were so memorable. My leadership, social skills, and priorities were impacted in such a positive way, and made me become the person that I am today. The greatness of a school is based on the people who fill the school. The teachers and fellow classmates were some of the most genuine people I have ever met. If it werent for them, I dont think I would have gotten involved in the first place. All my memories wouldnt have been as enjoyable if I had spent it with people who I didnt like. In my eyes, Green Run is the best high school out there.

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