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Basic activity: Read together with the baby story about medal winner.

How great was the joy when you had a certain success (appointed for a particular action)? How big was the sadness when you have not managed to have success and you have made then to remedy the situation? Make a plan of action so as to be more prepared next time you meet with a similar situation.

Tips and ideas for activities: 1. When you think about great must give proof of a great flexibility and have a permanent desire to learn, to develop. That's why we can start with a very pleasant exercise that contributes to strengthening the personality of your child for success. Here we present an adapted version of this exercise that we have designed many years ago. One of the parents and the child are participants (but may get involved more "pairs" which give an extra flavor to all activities-for example, the other parent and a grandparent, the other parent and another child etc.). Is established and an arbitrator of the meeting (can be a grandparent). Through a discussion between 5 and 10 minutes the father will recover about two-child qualities and two defects (for example: is generous and sociable, but is messy and nepunctual). Your child will learn all about the parent and a set of two qualities and two defects( for example, a parent may be hardworking and optimistic, but it is too easy and annoys conceited). When the four qualities and four (two on each side) were found, begins a negotiation that ends with the following result: each participant must, throughout the week, who's going to give up a defect that has to take over from fellow quality discussion. For example, the parent chooses to be more generous and do not piss off so fast, and the child to be optimistic and at the same time to make efforts not to be late. Both participants will be supraveghiati by the referee (grandfather or someone else in the family) because at the end of the week to make a balance sheet of how each was able to obtain a new quality and have a little flaw. We should not expect fast results and spectacular, important is the attitude of "I can".

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