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Exercise 1: Moodle Post In the 19th century Latin America, the society was divided by power according to their

skin color, whether they were light skinned, mestizo (mixed), or dark skinned. Throughout history we have set up rubrics based on the color of ones skin that resulted in racism proving how strong the skin really is. This shows how they would rank the Latin Americans just by their appearance but not by nobility, yet this shows the significance of skin because it was once used as the only type of hierarchal system. However, In Parasites and Perverts, Author Judith Halberstam states that skin is a metonym for the human. A Metonym is a word, name, or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated. For example, a gun would be a metonym for a hunter, crown for royalty or king, and a pink heart for love. Skin is the most important attribute that we have to offer because it resembles who we are in the outside but not always in the inside. Skin might be too tight (Frankensteins creature), too dark (Hyde), too pale (Dracula), too loose (Leatherface), or too sexed (Buffalo Bill). Draculas skin was too pale, which was not common in a normal human therefore, it caused an uncanny feeling. Uncanny means a feeling of something creepy, strange, not ordinary. However, all of those monsters acquired their reputations by their skin and nowadays we see the same manifestation of the skin, for instance in Watchmen, Dr. Manhattans bright blue skin resembles his super human powers and his ability to stand out from the rest of the world. He has super strength, duplicates, changes sizes, teleports, and is immortal. If he did not have that blue skin that shines, people would not see the significance of Dr. Manhattan and how his misfortune of being mutated is the only hope of saving the human race. Also, in Marvel, Hulk transforms into a gigantic

green skinned monster, yet that is only his outside not inside because he is a scientist and totally different from the monster he becomes. However, the Grinch also has green skin and the color green is an ugly for many reason one being that it reminds people of slime and bugger, yet the Grinchs personality does fit because he is ugly inside and out. Nevertheless, The Black Swan has a black has a black coat of feathery skin, which immediately gives the image that it is pure darkness and evil, revealing the monstrosity of the Black Swan. Skin is a metonym for humans because every skin has a story and purpose that defines you, unless you are Leatherface who constantly changes faces. Skin is a human best and only coating that represents who you are in this world and makes you different from everyone else.

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