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Class Activity Name: Lesly Castaneda Text to be analyzed: George Zimmerman trial Claim: He reason that the victim,

Trayvon Martin was murdered was due to racism.

Grounds: Zimmerman described Trayvon as dangerous and suspicious black male.

Qualifier: Officers report that Trayvon was actually unarmed wearing a hooded sweatshirt and only carrying a can of tea, a bag of skittles and his cell phone.

Warrant: Evidence shows that George Zimmerman has a history of calling the cops constantly. Earlier on the week of the shooting George had been placed to watch the neighborhood and to protect it of any trouble. He had been reporting many things such as music playing too loud and even kids playing outside.

Backing: The article shows that during the 911 call Zimmerman had been following Trayvon as he described him. Later throughout the call Zimmerman claims that Trayvon had started running from him. The dispatcher then tells Zimmerman that he does not have to follow Trayvon. When the call ends it is very clear that Zimmerman refused to listen to the dispatcher and continued to follow Trayvon.





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