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American Institutions Reflective Writing Lindsay Nock

I have reviewed SLCCs Learning Outcomes for General Education and chosen three of these outcomes that I believe I have progressed towards in this course. The first is; Students will learn to think critically and creatively. The second is; Students will develop computer and information literacy, and the third; Students will develop knowledge and skills to be civically engaged. Throughout this course, I participated in many discussions with my classmates that required reflective thinking and expression. I had to make connections to increase my understanding. Once discussion that comes to mind is the Campaign Finance Discussion. I had to answer questions about the sources of money and the activities of the candidates in the races to be elected. I had to think critically and creatively in order to give a proper response and express my opinion. This course also required computer and information literacy. I had to complete all tests, assignments, and viewing of lectures online. In the Political Ads Discussion, I had to go to the Living Room Candidate site by the American Museum of the Moving Image. I had to find an advertisement and explain what type of propaganda is being used. If I did not have this credible website to use I do not think it would have been easy to find an advertisement that was from a valid source. I learned the importance of using a credible source so that I did not end up with unreliable information. I think that the most important learning outcome I progressed towards is to develop knowledge and skills to be civically engaged. This course included lectures about constitutional foundations and National along with smaller institutions. I gained additional knowledge about the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and Electoral policies and procedures. Most importantly I learned about Civil Rights and the responsibilities for individual and collective action that should be enforced in a Democracy. While I believe that I progressed in every learning outcome, I do think that these three areas are what were best covered in and throughout this course.

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