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I gained substantive knowledge in the field of the study of Mexican American history and culture.

Even though I am Mexican American, which means that I live this lifestyle, I did however, learn the history of why we do what we do. I was able to understand why Hispanics have a bad reputation in this country regarding immigration issues. I understand why Mexicans have a good working (manual labor) reputation, thanks to the Bracero Program. I also learned that my Grandfather was part of this program up until it ended in 1964. I gained knowledge regarding our history in the United States. Most of my history that I knew about our history was about the Motherland(Mexico), but I really knew nothing about the struggles that Mexican Americans had in this Country. I am glad that it is all documented and we are able to learn from these issues and make sure that it never happens to us again. I dont want any racism or negative impact to any culture either. Im very proud of my Hispanic roots and now that I know more about how our culture started in the U.S. I feel like I do belong in this country and that I do have an identity.

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