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Dont Let the Pig Read that Book

By: Kati Milligan

Curly the pig was so excited because he finally went to the library and checked out a new book. He couldnt wait to show all of his friends.

His first stop was at Darrin the dogs house. Hey Darrin, want to hear my new book? Sure, what is it called? Darrin replied. It is called How bacon is made. Darrin looked up with a shocking frown, ughhhhh, why dont you read this book instead, it is one of the best mysteries you will ever read. Curly said no thanks and continued on his way.

Curly stopped at Chelsea the chickens house next. Chelsea, would you like to hear my new book? It is about how bacon is made. BAAAAAAWWWWKKK! Chelsea fell out of her coop. Here read this cook book; some of the best pies have been made from this book. No thanks, Curly quickly scampered out and went on his way.

Griff the goat was standing outside chewing on some grass when Curly arrived. Griff, would you like to hear my new book about how something called bacon is made? Griffs bottom jaw hit the ground before he said you have to read my new fantasy book, you will not want to put it down. Curly sighed and continued on his journey.

Curly walked up to Troy the turkey who wasnt the friendliest animal of the bunch. Troy was fluffing his feathers when Curly said excuse me Troy, would you like to hear my new book. Its about how Stop right there! Troy screamed. Why would I want to hear your book when I am busy reading a biography? Now leave! Curly ducked down his head and moved on.

Curly walked out to the pasture and asked Connie the cow if she wanted to hear him read his new book about how bacon is made. Connie almost fell over when she heard what had come out of Curlys mouth. Why dont you read my poetry book, I have probably read each poem twenty times by now. No thanks said Curly as he slowly strolled away.

Curlys final stop was with Harry the horse. Harry! You have to listen to me read my new book. All of the other animals tried to get me to read their book, but I want to read mine! Harry looked up from grazing and said Of course Curly, what is this story about? It is about how bacon is made. HEEEEEE-HAWWWWWW! Harry bucked and said, that reminds me I have been meaning to give you my traditional story I love, it is called The Three little Pigs. That story sounds wonderful Harry, but I really want to read mine.

Curly walked back to the barn and laid on a bale of hay. The other animals had quietly followed behind curly and put their ears up to the barn door. Curly began to read To begin the process first remove the feathers from the body. All of the animals looked at each other with a puzzled look.

Curly continued to read through the book. At the end of the book he read and that is how you make Turkey bacon. GOBBBLLLLEEEE! The turkey squawked as he ran away. All of the other animals looked at each other with a smile of relief. Darrin the dog opened the barn door and said Curly, now that we thought about it that book you wanted to read seems like a good book, would you mind reading it to us?

The End!

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