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Catherine Mobley English 111 September 12, 2013 306 words

Mobley 1

I believe that me approach to my writers profile should be personal rather than professional. I think that by allowing my personal thoughts and opinions to reflect my abilities as a student, the reader of my profile will be able to connect with my writing on an instinctual level. I consider it most important to develop a connection with my audience. While it is not the most original goal, I aim to gain the respect of others through my character. To me, writing is a vessel through which I can expose the inner workings of my soul. In this profile, I would like to emphasize my capacity for finding relationships between the world and myself as well as my desire to connect with others through my writing. Another subject that this profile should encompass is my goals in life. As a student, I consider my main responsibility to be my studies. I do not believe it is enough to accept life at face value, and therefore I should always aim to improve my mind. As a human, I believe in supporting the advancement of my species. Humanity is rapidly progressing in its intelligence, and if I am to progress with it, I must also dedicate myself to my education. There are few things that I consider more important than this objective. My writing has a tendency to be grounded in observation and reflection. My profile should include vivid descriptions of my experiences as a writer. I also consider myself to be a visually oriented person. Sometimes, details are so apparent to me that they can be easily glossed over in my attempt to communicate an idea. For this reason, I have an inclination to over-communicate. Many of my assignments exceed the required word limit and it can be difficult to hold myself back from doing so.

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