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SSSION OF MERGS Pay ya eae Oo) PO BOX 8083, CANTON, OH 44711 Nn lessees see PORE CR cel Ce ne eat ea) eR) Volume 34, Number 8 August 2009 _ Crowds going to pray to Buddha at the Lama Temple in Beijing, China PRAY FOR REVIVAL IN AMERICA AND ASIA Greetings to you in the Name of our wonderful Lord and Savior. What a comfort to have the assurance that Jesus is alive, and deeply concerned about every aspect of our lives. As | look at the troubled and frightening conditions of our own country, | am so thank- ful that underneath us are the Everlasting Arms. | know that you share my concerns over the rapid erosion of our Christian values. Our govern- ment is bankrupting our country, and the social progressives are chip- ping away at our Christian values. Our country was once a beacon light which sent illumination to the heathen world. As | visit other countries now, | am discovering that our country is now held in derision by those who once looked to us as a standard of morality and righteousness. If ever America needed a revival and a return to godliness, it is in 2009. By God's grace, our missionary work in India and other Asian countries is going well. Just this morning | received an e-mail from Pastor Timothy in India which | want to share with you. The photo on page 3 was taken last week of a group of youth that meet weekly at our church in Mumbai to pray for their country and for us in America: Dear Esteemed Brother in the Lord, By His grace and love we are doing well in Mumbai, India. Sir, I have received your support letter along with two cheques . Thank you so much for your love and kindness. Sir, you might know that swine flue influence is too much in our India espe- cially in our state Maharashtra. Around 18 people were died and thousands of people are admitted in the hospital. People are very much scared and fear to go out. All the schools and colleges are closed till 20th August; some festi- vals are stopped to celebrate. Secondly this year we have not had much monsoon rains. Some of the states are declared as non cultivated areas. Reports are telling within few months India will face drought. We are seeking the Lord’s help to protect our nation from all sorts of danger and problems. Our children are praying so earnestly, seeking Gods presence. This 14th also we conducted whole night prayer in the church. Please remember us in your daily prayer. Thanking you yours in His service sd/-Pastor Ch. Timothy, Mumbai, India Youth prayer meeting at our Mumbai church. Please remember our precious Mission family there. | deeply appreci- ate the way you have stood by the missionary work in India all these years. My vision 35 years ago was to support and train the nationals in India to reach their own people for the Lord. Timothy has been with me from almost the begin- ning. Now his two sons are also pastors in Mumbai, and thousands of children have been cared for in our Children’s Home in the city slums. And they are pray- ing for our sponsors and our country. We are continuing to work on our China Challenge project. Keep pray- ing that the vision of a website to reach the youth of China for Jesus will be realized. | have received a free airline ticket for my travels in Asia, and will be leaving the end of October for six months in India and Thailand, and will be visiting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Shanghai, China. A dear pastor friend of mine who was a seminary classmate and is a life-long friend will be visiting me in Asia in February, and we will go together to Malaysia to witness in this predominately Muslim country. | have several contacts already in Shanghai, and while | am there, | hope to be able to develop a Christian website in the Chinese language. | appreciate those you who are able to send something extra for these new outreaches. If you have any ideas on how we might develop this new project, please let me know. And also please remember this new work in your daily prayers. Again | entreat you to pray much for our nation and our world. Things are happening in our nation at a break-neck speed, and if this continues, our time might be limited to reach the world with the Gospel. Please covenant with me to do our total best for the Master while it is day, “for the night cometh when no man can work.” John 9:4.

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