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SOCIAL STUDIES PORTFOLIO REFLECTION SHEET Name _Cameron Havlish____________________________________ Date ___12/11/13_________________ Hour___4_________ Answer the following questions

in complete sentences. 1. Other than your grade, what makes this assignment one of your best? Other than my grade what makes this my best is that it showed that I concentrated hard through the whole hour and did my best. 2. What social studies concept or skill does this assignment exhibit? The social studies skill this assignment exhibits is physical geography (Map skill, culture, time period, physical geography, 5 themes of geography, core democratic values, other) 3. How does this assignment show your understanding of that skill? This assignment shows my understanding of that show because it said I got the right countries 4. This assignment shows you are getting better at.

This assignment shows I am getting better at time management because I had to work the whole hour (Organization, time management, working in groups, taking notes, research, other) 5. If you were to do this assignment over, what would you change or do differently? If I were to do this assignment over again what I would change would be I would make it more neat.

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