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Name: __Cameron Havlsih_________________________ Date:__12/11/13_________ Hour:__5____ 1. Other than your grade, what makes this assignment one of your best?

Other than my grade what makes this one my best work is It shows that I remembered my vocabulary and studied hard
2. How does this assignment address Academic achievement, Personal time management, or Teamwork? This assignment address personal time management because I had to take time to study and academic achievement because it was a test so it shows me progressing 3. If you could improve one thing about your work, what would you change? If I could improve one thing on my work what I would change would be to write neat so if she might not could have read one I might have gotten marked down

4. What science concept or skill does this item show? The science concept or skill this shows is knowing the different types of fossils and how to identify them.

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