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3 Things I learned from the reading: 1.

Teachers can no longer teach to the middle and hope everyone gets it. This means that teachers can't just give a general instruction and hope everyone understands. There are so many different learning styles that teachers have to explain things in multiple ways in order for everyone to understand. 2. The knowledge of student differences in personal beliefs and backgrounds can empower teachers to build a classroom environment that embraces diversity. Atmosphere can play a huge part in wether or not a students feels accepted. Getting to know your students and representing all ethnicities in your classroom will help them feel embraced and welcomed. 3. Not only the atmosphere, but classroom instruction can help a student feel included. Doing things such as including diverse vocal words, reading with different partners, and working one on one with a students can help differentiate instruction and help all students have an opportunity to grow. 2 Ways my teacher has Differentiated Instruction 1. My teacher has her students sitting four to a table. Every couple of weeks she changes where the students sit. This helps students of all different races interact together and learn together. It helps social skills and also gives the chance for students to learn from each other. 2. Another way my teacher has differentiated instruction is she gives students multiple opportunities to show what they have learned. Whether it is group talks, partner work, worksheets, projects, or written/oral assessments, students have ample amounts of opportunities to show what they know, no matter the learning style. 1 Way I have tried Differentiating Instruction 1. The way I have tried differentiating instruction is through group work. I go from table to table to explain different assignments to the group. But if one student doesn't fully understand, I work with them one on one and explain it in different ways until that student understands the assignment.

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