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Professional Photo Shoot - Planning Sheet

The music magazine that I currently have in mind is a pop- punk/ alternative magazine. I think my house style should look colourful but not tacky. It should create the impression of being a fun magazine that is serious about music, but then about the not so serious side of music as well.

What to Photograph
3 people stood in a stance for the front cover.

What techniques to use

A mid shot/ full body shot of the characters to make them look grouped together and like they are a team. Happy-ish expressions on their faces. Relaxed pose. Bright lighting to enhance the mood of the characters. Still expression of the characters face. Blur the background using an effect on the camera. Full body shot of a character on a chair. Darken the background Take in a music studio

How I achieve this

Ask 3 peole who are appropriate to model. Find a location that will suit the style. Get the correct lighting- a studio.

A close up of a characters face for the double page spread.

Get appropriate model. Use correct lighting for the image.

Someone on a chair maybe to use for double page spread.

Find appropriate model. Take image in correct setting. Use setting on camera, or when editing image using software.

Figure 1 - This is an example of what to do. It should be deleted once youre done.

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