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Abby Black History 1700 10-23-2013 Writing Assignment Dueling Documents: The Problem of the Color Line

This article talks about Segregation. It talks about two documents. The first document is called Go Back to America, and the second document is called We Must Oppose All Segregation. First, I am going to talk about the first document, Go Back to America. Marcus Garvey talks about the only solution for black people: return to Africa. He is saying that the blacks should return to Africa because that is their only hope for existence but all Negros cant go back to Africa. Some of them wont be good here in America and others wont do any good in Africa.
Whites and blacks will eventually learn how to respect each other. They will be able to help each other out but it is in the nature for them to be separated. Garvey compared it to if the white people were in a country filled with Chinese people. They would feel like the blacks in that case. In the second document, Alexander Du Bois talks about how everyone should be against segregation. Black Americans should still be able to salute the American flag and sing Our Country tis of Thee. Colored people should not feel ashamed of themselves. They should feel proud of all their accomplishments and efforts. The black people need to come out altogether and force their race upon the whites or else everything will eventually go to war. No one should be separated from each other. Colored people are just like the whites except for the skin color.

Black 2 The Spanish-American War The Spanish-American War was an issue between Spain and the United States. It ended Spains colonial rule in America. It resulted in the United States being able to have possession of territories in the Western pacific and Latin America. Spain declared war in the United States in April. Then the United Stated declared war that following day. It was really a one-sided war since Spain never got its troops ready. George Dewey led a US Naval squadron into the Philippines. They destroyed the Spanish fleet that only costed seven Americans wounded. Manila, Philippines was one of the territories that were occupied by the US troops in August. The Spanish Caribbean fleet was located in Santiago harbor in Cuba by the US Renaissance. The regular troops landed on the coast just east of Santiago. They slowly went to try to force Cerveras fleet out of the harbor. Cervera led his troops along the western shore and came across the ships in battle which turned their ships are fire and burning down. The Treaty of Paris ended the war when it was signed on December 10 th, 1898. The United Stated won claim to Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines for twenty million dollars. The Spanish-American war was an important event in history for both Spain and the United States. It helped Spain by helping the economy development and helped with domestic needs. It helped the United States by later playing a part in the affairs of Europe.

Black 3 What Should the Government Do? The first document talks about how the government shouldnt help individuals and the second document talks about how farmers problems are out of their control. In the first document, a big drought happened in the state of Texas. This resulted in the failure of crops. President Grover Cleveland doesnt see any purpose in helping out the farmers because it is not the governments fault that they are suffering since it has nothing to do with public service or benefit. There is no warrant for it in the Constitution. The people should be the ones supporting the government and not the other way around. In the second document, a Nebraskan farmer made a desperate letter for help. He first talks about how the winds break down the crops which leave a lot of families poor. He relies on his crops for his money to pay for his land and the things his family needs. Without this money, his family will get kicked out of the house while they suffer. The government should help them because they arent in control of natural disasters. We are always helping the government by paying our taxes. Why cant the government help us out every once in awhile? I dont know anything about President Cleveland so I have no idea how he would take the farmers letter. He couldve felt the sadness coming from the farmer about how he has to see his house being taken away from him or he could just not feel sorry for him. He couldve been like well that is not my problem, figure out some other way to make money.

Black 4 Cold War Over Global Warming Climatologists have claimed that global warming is a real thing that is caused by human activity here on earth. A republican senator from Oklahoma thinks that global warming is not a threat. James Inhofe does not believe in Global Warming. He says that it is not happening right now. He is a skeptic and does not know much about science. He brings in a scientist, Dr. Crichton, who basically says that we have to worry about it a little now but around 2100, the people wont have to worry much about it because they will be more richer than we are, consume more energy, have a smaller global population, and they will be able to enjoy more wilderness today. However, Spencer Weart says different. Weart says that we have already run out of time. Global warming is calling for more government activity. It is here whether we like it or not and we need to start doing something about it. We never know what the climate will do but it is changing fast. Soon the waters will continue to rise in our lifetime. I have to agree with Spencer Weart because I believe Global warming is here. We are always making records each year on the weather. Every summer keeps getting warmer and warmer. I feel like Inhofe has no experience and he is just being negative about everything. This is not the time to be negative. The government needs to step up their game and help the country out with global warming.

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