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Will Slater Mr. Vander Bent Research Paper Engineering Oct.

7, 2013 My Capstone project Im going to be designing an audio studio based project that uses less power and using recycled materials from an old computer and other resources to construct a Music Production Center. Im exploring the audio engineering field. Im basically using studio software and equipment. Recording studios are usually equipped with API vision consoles and set up for full 5.1 Surround sound. The booth would be with a behringer studio professional microphone, FL studios and a MPC. This would be found in a typical studio that would cost around less then 2,000 dollars depending on where you get the equipment. The equipment that would get would be recycled and wouldnt cost to even near 500 dollars. My biggest question is can I make a more power efficient recording studio, by using less energy, which would be better for the environment and would save more money. There is no direct answer to my question, but I do know that it could possibly be done. If I use cheaper materals and I conserve my energy in the right way, then I maybe able to do it. Of course the studio wouldnt have the best quality or sound but its just a prototype so it wouldnt really matter. Can I make a more powered efficient recording studio? Is there a way we can create a computerized music using less energy from the computer? Would using a MPC use less electricity then a computer? I have a big interest in music, which is why I choose the audio engineering field; I feel that music is a big part of my life.

I have done intersession and studies about audio engineering in the past and I feel that since I love music so much, I can make it into my career. Schools that have a good reputation for this engineering field is, Cincinnati state, Brown Mackie college, and ITT tech. Cincinnati has a new Audio/Video engineering major, so that you may get an associates degree. Two years of college is all you need to get associates degree. My main plan is to go to Cincinnati state and get a side job, and work on my own projects. Audio engineering is basically mixing either a track or mixtape or album or whatever but you can so much more with the knowledge and experience and make a lot of money in the process while having fun. I would be working various types of machines and lots of equipment to be producing sound and music and recording certain instruments and vocals to music. The first paragraph explains my topic and my pathway. The second paragraph explains what I plan to do college wise and restating my driving questions. The third paragraph I explain what I knew about the topic. I explained how the project related to my field as in me having a passion for music and my belief.

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