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A lot of opinions vary on how people develop low self-esteem.

Most people would believe that it is because of different influences from different people, dysfunctional relationships, and an involvement with negative attitudes throughout their lives. All very true but there is indeed a specific origin from where all these feelings grow; and it all starts with the very first relationships you come across when just entering this world and that is the relationships created with people you call your family. Of course that sound a bit fifty-fifty depending on how different everyones lives are but I will explain and show you how close your beginning relationships are to a strangers.

Consider the first people you remember in your earlier life; try to recall all the memories you have of them. Then ask yourself how you felt thinking about each and every one of them. The human race tends to remember the abuses to which it has been subjected to rather than the endearments. What's left of kisses? Wounds, however, leave scars. (Bertolt, Brecht). People conform to the way they were raised; yet no matter how old we get we tend to act like are parents or whoever we are with during these adolescent times. This is because our brains are very vulnerable to the behaviors of who we are around at the time of our adolescence. As we are growing, so is our knowledge of how life works; inevitability forming our personalities based upon what we learn from the actions of those around us, our family. Notice within yourself feelings that are caused by behaviors, events, words, and actions. Some of these feelings may be distress, sadness, disappointment, false hope and guilt. When people were/are being subjected to these negative emotions for the majority of their lives, it influences their attitude and perceptions about themselves, causing them to portray the type of behavior that they have grown accustomed to. Therefore, when you are surrounded by feelings of negativity you tend to spew negativity in everything around you, everything you do, and every other relationship you create in your future. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN! Doctors have explored the reason for emotional disappointment with ourselves to gain a better understanding from a psychological viewpoint. According to Celeste Gertsen, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist in Port Jefferson, who confirms my theory very confidently by stating It starts early, as soon as were old enough to know our own name, as well as, possibly sparked by the desire to get our needs met and, I like this quote a lot, craving for attention, love, safety, affirmation and belongingness.

If you ever seen the movie FIGHT CLUB that is a perfect depiction of a lifestyle with a negative outlook. This Main character had extreme low self-esteem. Beside the fact he had D.I.D. it was obvious his dissatisfaction of his own life and personality; causing him to make-up another person similar to him but more confident, self-assured, better, and all together someone he wanted to be. Low self-esteem can cause not only emotional strain but mental strain making it even more difficult to live a normal life. Are brain have so many chemicals and functions that control our bodies when you hear advice from your doctors such as stop stressing it will make your BP go up its not just them being superstitious. Many studies have proven emotional distress can cause mental and physical problems. A study called

Diathesis stress model helps prove this theory that emotional issue cause mental illness. This study The diathesis, or predisposition, interacts with the subsequent stress response of an individual. Stress refers to a life event or series of events that disrupt a persons psychological equilibrium and potentially serves as a catalyst to the development of a disorder. Thus, the diathesis-stress model serves to explore how non-biological or genetic traits (diatheses) interact with environmental influences (stressors) to produce disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. The diathesis-stress model asserts that if the combination of the predisposition and the stress exceeds a threshold, the person will develop a disorder.

Low self-esteem is a major part of violent dangerous activity in the world today. When you hear about shootings or some devastating events people often describe that agrivator as someone inverted, eccentric, distance from peers; adjectives that descibe people that are not confident in themselves at all. These hateful negative act are cause by negative hateful thoughts and feelings towards humans, those feelings are caused by already mentally troubled people justifying this hate by blaming others for there saddness. Going back to the movie "Fight Club" another perfect example of how someone with low- self esteem can spread their negative energy. During the whole movie Brad Pitt was recruiting others in this club where the mission was to express there anger by beating their oppoent half to make this more comprehensive this was one man convincing other emotionally troubled individuals to inflict violence on to other humans. He was able to create this cult by making them feel understood and mulnipulating them into expressing there confusion and anger the wrong way. Ultimatly Brad pitt used these men to create a bomb to blow up a building. Eventhough this may be a movie; its just a reflection of an extreme event cause by real issues with people in this world today.

Unfortunately in this situation life is not a movie you have no take backs once you die or murder; you can not press stop and rewind like a movie. Today to many people are suffering from low self seteem. We as a people have to understand how serious this problems is and how much it is impacting other peoples lives, We have to support a positive nature and love. thats the only way we can help those who suffer from low sel-esteem. Yes we may not have stopped their inoccences from being tainted, but if we continue to ignore this, we are just as bad as those who created those scares themselves.

Brecht, Bertolt. "Quotes About Abuse." (271 Quotes). N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2013 Gertsen, Ph.D, Celeste. "Self-Esteem Struggles and Strategies That Can Help | Psych Central." Psych Psych Central, Mar. 2012. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. Oatley, Keith, and Jennifer M. Jenkins. Understanding Emotions. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1996. N. pg. Print. Lazarus, Richard S. Fifty Years of the Research and Theory of R.S. Lazarus: An Analysis of Historical and Perennial Issues. Mahwah, NJ: Lawerence Erlbaum Associates, 1998. Print. Prevention Action. Diathesis-stress models Retrieved from

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