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Thomas Squires October 9, 2013 B1 Characters are an important part in many stories and narratives especially the book

Tangerine. They help to set the mood, plot and most importantly how the reader interprets the story. The characters Erik and Paul Fisher show some of the greatest contrast of personality and are important characters in Tangerine. Paul is a good, nice character. White is a descriptive color for Paul because white often describes the morally correct side or the good guys. One example of him being a good guy is described in this quote; he is talking to the sheriff, we learn a lot of the truth about Eriks involvement in the murder of Luis Cruz, Are you willing to give a statement now if called upon? Yes sir (285). In the geometric design he is placed far away from Erik because they dont have a strong relationship and are in no way like each other. Paul is a circle because he is a round character. We see him progressively get more social and friendly as the book goes on. This is shown when he talks with the gangstas when he is walking out of school after getting expelled; Suddenly they were all on top of me, all these guys I didnt really know. Guys who didnt really know meThey were all saying stuff like, Way to be, Fisher. Hang tough....Their words surrounded me and picked me up, and moved me along toward the car (296). Erik on the other hand is a mean, mad guy. Erik looks like he is a star as described in this quote made by his dad talking about his future in football, Erik can kick a fifty yard field goal (234). He has yellow hash marks emitting from his shape because these hash marks are often seen with stars. Although he looks like he is a star inside he, is a messed up kid. He is the main antagonist and works against Paul. He is shaded black with a bit of white poking through because even though he is the villain, toward the end he realizes and accepts what he did to his brother Paul. We realize that he feels somewhat guilty in this passage, Erik stopped by the door,

Geometric Character Analysis

Thomas Squires October 9, 2013 B1 turned, and looked at me through his swollen eyes. I looked back through my thick lenses. He seemed to be struggling with something. Maybe a memory. Maybe he was reliving a scene from long ago (284). He is rough and spikey around the edges. He is mostly black in color and shading because he second-handedly committed murder. This is show in this excerpt, We may have a situation here Bauer (211). He is an evil guy. These two characters dont have that good of a relationship. They fight a lot and dont get along that well. The geometric design shows this relationship very well. First off Erik and Paul are on opposite ends of the page. This shows that they hardly ever see each other and are nothing alike. Secondly Erik has arrows shooting from him. This represents the many times he has bullied Paul. He is also larger then Paul. The use of geometric character analysis adds to the understanding of characters in many ways. It helps show how the characters Erik and Paul Fisher show some of the greatest contrast of personality and are important characters in Tangerine. It helps to show relationships, personality traits, and actions that they take. Geometric character analysis is a great tool to use when analyzing characters and their traits.

Geometric Character Analysis

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