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Jiezhen Mei 11/29/2012 Child Development 262 Welcome letter to parents Dear Parents, Welcome to another exciting school

year! Together we can strive for the betterment of our children through cooperation, hard work, and a lot of play. As a first year teacher, I am eager to apply my plans and curriculum to the classroom. Having recently graduated with a degree in Child Development, I have many teaching ideas and am very much excited to make it work. Like Piaget, I believe that children are active learners, learning through interactions and exploring objects. Thus, I have planned a curriculum that centers on your childs interests. Play activities will be planned to promote your childs development in physical knowledge, social knowledge, and logico-mathematical knowledge. Through play, children make sense of the world at the same time boasts their self esteem. For this school year to be successful and to ensure that your child is developing at level, we need your help and involvement. There will be two teacher-parent conferences in the school year, where we will discuss the progress of your child. Between those two conferences, I would like to include your involvement through email ( or by phone calls (312-404-0003). We encourage all parents to volunteer in the classroom, or even chaperone the class to field trips. With your help and support along with my passion and eagerness to teach, this will be a great and successful year.

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