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9/5/2013 18:36:56 6:00:00 10:00:00 My students are in between talkative and quiet, but they don't hesitate to ask

me questions about anything. We have some interesting characters. Davenna Thompkins 9/19/2013 19:28:06 8:00:00 10:00:00 Students are asking great questions and are getting more comfortable with the instructor and me. Davenna Thompkins 10/3/2013 22:24:50 11:25:00 12:00:00 Things are going great. I've been having meetings with my students and getting to know them a little better. Davenna Thompkins 10/17/2013 18:50:38 12:21:00 9:00:00 Things are going great. Davenna Thompkins

11/1/2013 13:36:42 8:00:00 12:05:00 "I have a swimmer in my class and on Wednesday my instructor asked if she was excited about her meet today. She responded, "Yeah, except my family won't be there." Little does she know that most of us in the class are attending her meet today. A young man in front of her turned around and said, ""Yes they will be - you just watch." She looked very confused. Sooooo excited to surprise Sharkbait (yes, that is her class nickname) today!!!!" -Nikki Harken Davenna

11/15/2013 13:33:01 13:40:00 10:07:00 My students are a little stressed but no more than what is normal. Other than that everything is going good. Davenna

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