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Andrew C. Revkin's "Tracking the Imperiled Bluefin From Ocean to Sushi Platter 1) What is the authors argument/position?

Where do you see it stated? The authors argument is that hooks have killed a substantial amount of Bluefin. Due to getting hooked the physiology of the Bluefin they die before they are able to be released back into the wild. Block states it in the middle of the document ..broadening gantlet of hooks, seines, harpoons, traps and now farm-style pens, in which netted fish are raised and fattened - all to supply the Japanese sushi trade. 2) With what evidence does the author back up this argument? What types of evidence do you see (e.g., data?). Long-liners in the area also use lightweight hooks that hold smaller yellowfin but are designed to uncoil under the powerful tug of a bluefin, they say. the same smaller hooks caught and killed a substantial number of bluefin. Factual evidence 3) Do you see a counterargument to Dr. Blocks position? Yes, American boat owners stated that existing restrictions on long-line fishing in the Gulf are sufficient, and add that the spawning zones identified by Dr. Block are likely to shift each year, making specific "time-area closures" impossible. 4) What organizational patterns do you see here (see P 548-549) The structure of how the article is presented. First stating claims then later addressing the counter arguments.

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