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I feel happiness in forwarding this seminar report as an image of sincere efforts. The successful seminar reflects my work, effort of my guide in giving me good information. My sincere thanks to my guide respected Prof. Dipti Gogawale who has been a constant source of inspiration and guiding star in achieving my goal. I give my special thanks to respected Prof. (Mrs.) Dipti Gogawale (H.O.D.) for his constant interest and encouragement throughout the completion of my seminar. I express my deep gratitude to all staff members who lend me their valuable support and cooperation to enable me to complete my seminar successfully.

Vip l !. Ma"a#a$ %.E. (Co&p ter)

SK !"#, M.#. !omputer #ngineering $!omputer etwork% &'(' III


)ou must have seen touch screens at *TMs, cell phones, information kiosks .Touch screen based system allows an easy navigation around a +,I based environment. Tap on the screen twice for double clicks, and drag a figure on the screen to move the cursor .-e can do almost everything the mouse does, and do away with the additional device$mouse% leaving only the screen. So .They/re all the rage, they are the bu00word, they are probably the hottest thing in technological cosmos right now123alling price and improved technology has fueled the use of these devices in smaller consumer devices like mobile, Tablet 4!s and handheld gaming consoles. * type of display screen that has a touch sensitive transparent panal covering.Instead of using a pointing device such as a mouse or light pen. -e can use our finger to point directly to ob5ect on the screen.*lthough touch screens provide a natural interface for computer novice they are unsatisfactory for most application because the finger is a such relatively large ob5ect.It is impossible to point accurately to small areas of the screen .In *ddition most users find touch screen tining to the arms after long use

SK !"#, M.#. !omputer #ngineering $!omputer etwork% &'(' IIII

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