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Questions for Interview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why are you interested in music?

Which artist would you say youre similar to? Who is the most influential artist now, and 10 years ago Nas claims "hip hop is dead" what is your opinion? What is your opinion of Kanye West? Musical mastermind, or dennis the menace of the industry? 6. When did you start making music? 7. Do you like to do collaborations? 8. Where are you from? 9. Have you won any awards? 10.What is your favourite song? 11.What is your favourite album? 12.Do you have any rivals? 13.Who inspired you to make music? 14.Were your parents for or against it? 15.Where is your favourite place to perform? 16.Will you ever retire? 17.Does going platinum matter to you? 18.If you could select anyone in the music industry, who would you love to collaborate with? 19.Who would you like to be as big as in the years to come? 20.How do you think your music differs from anyone elses?

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