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Action and Timescale 2 6 .3 .

The below table indicates the actions required and the timescale for response in order lo address and reduce the Risk. Risk Categories are the basis for deciding whether improved control measures are required and the timesca le f or action. Action And Timescale No further additional controls I preventive and mitigative or ahernative actions is necessary, but consideration should be given to cost-effective solutions or improvements that impose minimal or no additional cost. Monitoring is requ red to ensure that the controls are maintained. i

Risk Categories


2 c


Efforts should be made to reduce risk,but the costs of prevention should be carefully measured and lmited. Risk reduction measures should normally bei mp emented withina defined period of time. l

Work should not be started or continued until the risk level has been reduced and risk numbers enters the Yellow or the Green area. While the additiona l control measures should be cost-effective,the Company's duty to reduce the risk is absolute. If the control measures are not possible to reduce the r sk,even with unlimited resources,then the work must not be i started or must remain prohibited.

Identification and implementation of new Risk Control measures 2 6 .4 . The most important step in the RA process is the identification and implementation of risk control measures lo reduce or eliminate the i dentified r i sks. Control measures can only be effective if they are closely linked to lhe causes. Once you know the causes, you know the needed measures.I Iis wrong policy to lake measures wilhoul previously having identified the causes. However do not stay with general measures but make a clear planning,who, when ,what etc. 2 6 .5 . Risk reduction policy should be applied in the follow ing sequence: Try lo remove/replace lhe hazard iiself Eliminate lhe likelihood of lhe occurrence by lak i ng away the causes in the first place Install rescue devices in your system lo ensure an occur rence, once started,will slop timely Isolate the hazard source or reduce exposure time Take measures 10 reduce likelihood, usually related to organizational measures Protect the operator from the hazard Reduce the impact by providing PPE

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