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REMINDER: When this assignment is submitted, you must have 400-500 words between the lines of asterisks to receive

a passing score. 1- Describe a "successful entrepreneur." Response: A successful entrepreneur has a passion and love for what they do and has drive, determination, patience and a positive attitude. They are optimistic and physically healthy to have the needed mental stamina to withstand potential challenges. 2- Tell why entrepreneurs must have passion for what they do. Response: If entrepreneurs dont have any passion for what they are doing, they are likely to not succeed due to the fact that they will have no motivation. Without motivation, it will be extremely hard to push through the hard work and challenges that come with being a successful entrepreneur. 3- Explain why entrepreneurs must strongly believe their products and services will meet customers' needs. Response: 4- Add any additional thoughts about qualities a successful entrepreneur should have. Response: 5- Answer the following: a) 6 points: How many TOTAL words (including your own) are there between the lines of asterisks? Answer 400-500 (required for full credit): b) 4 points: Has submission been spellchecked, and thoughtfully revised as necessary? Answer: c) Write your first and last name and today's date. Answer:

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