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General Studies + English In my opinion, this paper produces differences in the final rank because most people get

t too busy while preparing for technical papers. Scoring in this paper is easy if youve studied selectively as there is no syllabus defined here. For GS part, divide the syllabus in contents like History, olity, Geography, !conomics, "ife Sciences and current affairs. First refer to the past #$ or %$ years &uestion papers of !S! and '(S e)ams of * S'. +ark the topics mostly asked. For e)ample history has nearly lost

its importance in !S! nowadays. ,ut anyways refer to the standard books like -'!./ of 0% level and read only the topics asked. No need to study the book. 1fter youve finished selectively reading the te)tbook, keep on practising these past years &uestions. *ltimately you will memorise and form a pattern of choosing the right option. If you wish more practice refer to "ucents GS book containing only the past years &uestions of various competitive e)ams. For current affairs, read newspapers headlines from front page, sports, and national

and international sections. -o need to make notes 2ust read carefully once. /he Hindu is highly recommended. !lse reading one maga3ine a month is more than sufficient. I would suggest Frontline maga3ine. 4ne can read them online also. For !nglish part, more emphasis must be given on grammar part like spotting errors, sentence 5 paragraph arrangements, word substitution and comprehension. 1ntonyms and synonyms are not that important because if you cant recall e)act words, then you cant take risks in e)am. I

would suggest Hari +ohan rasad book for competitive !nglish. It is a complete book covering all the aspects re&uired in a very good fashion and large number of practice &uestions. !ven &uestions come directly from there. GS 0 !nglish should be dealt on a daily basis because basically you have to memorise. So % to 6 hours a day is sufficient in 7 to 8 months of preparation time. -otes available on GS and !nglish are not e)haustive. ,etter read books and maga3ines.

#$$9%$$ is more than good. I was able to score ##:9%$$. ; <*-1" S.I=1S/1=1

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