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Jackson Breakfast Rotary Club Student of the Month Award

Benchmark: Individuality Skill: Work ethic / Giving back to those in need

This November I was named the Jackson Breakfast Rotary Club s Student of the Month! This award is "iven to a student that has been nominated by one of their teachers for outstandin" work and has beaten out the rest of the com#etition for that "iven month! As a student that cares so much about my education$ I am honored to have been nominated$ and then elected as November s winner! I "ive my very best effort in school and my "rades often reflect such effort! This award is a "reat reflection of my "reat work ethic and my intentions to "ive back to my community! This year$ I was asked to be a tutor for a freshman transitions class for my school! %nly a select few students are asked to do such thin"& this year there were only three! I was reco"ni'ed by my #rinci#al$ Mr! (ra#er$ and was "iven this o##ortunity to hel# those in need! I feel that this was a double #ositive for myself& I "ot to rub off my work ethic on others and felt that I did a "reat )ob "ivin" back to those students! I was once in their #osition& I was a freshman$ new to hi"h school$ and often asked for hel# myself! There is truly no better feelin" than bein" about to answer a call for hel#$ and do it successfully! Any day you can hel# others in a #ositive way$ that day was a success! As a youn" adult$ work ethic is one of the most im#ortant thin"s an individual can #ossess! My work ethic hel#s me day in and day out as a student in the class room$ as a worker on the )ob$ and as a tutor to those in need! *ivin" back to those in need is one of the most im#ortant thin"s I can do in life! A "reat work ethic is necessary in any occu#ation one can obtain! As a future o#tometrist$ a "reat work ethic will lead to the success of my business! +hile achievin" this success$ I will en)oy "ivin" back to my #atients and those that are in need of hel#& I will be able to hel# them with any issues they may have with their eyes!

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