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Zernah Mapilisan #14 10/2/13 Pirates Revenge !!!

Me and my family were looking for rides to play for me and my sister, and we found a ride called PIRATE RE!E"#E!!!$ so I got out my tickets and gave it to t%e lady& T%en s%e told us to get in t%e 'oat, I was very e(ited w%en i got on t%e 'oat, 'ut t%en t%e lady came to us and tig%tend out seat 'elts and said I don)t want you guys to fly out & And t%ats w%at made me c%ange my mind& I *A"TE+ T, #ET ,--! & As it started swinging 'ack and fort%, I tryed to stay calm as possi'le& I tryed not to scream and yell, 'ut i kinda liked it& *%en i got of t%e pirate)s revenge& I decided i wanted to ride again&

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