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Marjae Dela Cruz #10 10/3/13

A New Member
My eyes are red while I wake up in the hallway. In the hallway it was cold and kinda dim with the ceiling light turning on and off.I tried to go back to sleep,but all I could hear are nurses,doctors,crying babies,yelling parents whining,crying,the TV and the desk clerk clicking her pen CLICK,CLICK,CLICK......CLICK. Then all of a sudden the doctor comes out of the delivery room with a baby that was LOUD as a scared little girl voice.The doctor says Congradulations its a healthy baby boy! To my uncle. I stood up so proudly with my back arched up so proudly .I was nervous holding him for the first time I held my baby brother close to my heart and said Welcome to the family! Ill remember the day of his first smile.

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