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John Nguyen Writing Assignment 7: Criteria for Evaluation Revised Important criteria to consider when selecting an elastic resistance

bands are affordability, user-friendliness, and versatility. It is often the case the relative price of a product reflects durability or quality of the product. Users want a product that can last without breaking after frequent use. The second criterion that users consider is user-friendliness, specifically how accessible the product is to a wide range of different users. User-friendliness is an important aspect because the more user-friendly the product is, the more likely it will reach a broader audience. Andersen et al. (2010) suggest user-friendliness will allow users to make use of the equipment (p. 540). Lastly, the criterion of versatility should be evaluated based on the number of different exercises that can be done with the product. The versatility of the product promotes use in a variety of goals and purposes in an array of possible settings. According to Shirka and Hume (2013), elastic band exercise program offer versatile and inexpensive option to motivate individuals to exercise (p. 7).

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