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A Nightmare For Parents

Nirvana is not an option for these kind of parents: the Smotherers, the Unpredictables, and the Neglectors. Each is equally evil and deserves a unique punishment in hell. They deserve nothing like a halcyon Olympus. If they are always asking the 5 W's - who, what, where, when, and why - then they are the Smotherers. The Unpredictables are just that - unpredictable. They may ask all the W's, maybe one or two, or none at all. They also react differently to a situation similar to one in the past. The antithesis doesn't ask a single question and never seems to care about those five W's; the Neglectors are in the building. Nothing less than The Inferno is deserved by these parents. Well begin with the gentlest of retribution. That intended for the smothering parents. They see themselves as an aegis for their children. These are the parents who just want to keep their little babies safe from any danger or mistake. They give the strictest curfew and will often be waiting up with hot cocoa topped with little marshmallows for you. Gifts wont be reserved for birthdays. Cars, clothes, Starbucks, theyll buy anything for their sweet little angel, asking only for love in return. They will be greeted in hell with straightjackets that will render them immovable for eternity while remaining inches from suffocating for forever. Their overbearing love will be turned around on them and the weightiness of their parenting will be returned to them sevenfold. The most confusing circle is number two the Unpredictables. What a whirlwind of frustration and anxiety is pressed upon their children! These are the parents that will laugh at a situation that their child tells them about; and then rebuke them for the same issue - without a single caveat. In some instances, they will try to assert their authority and at other times, theyll just want to befriend their offspring. A kid never knows how their parent is going to react and never knows when, how, or if they should tell their parent about something, or anything at all! As punishment, these parents will be randomly placed into varied climate zones. They may be burning in Hades one minute, freezing in the North Pole the next, and then drowning in the Pacific Ocean shortly after. This punishment obfuscates these souls - fitting the crime because their children could never figure out how their parents would react to their words and actions.

In the final circle of torture there are the Neglectors. These parents have got to be the worse of them all. These parents allow their children to run around like deranged monkeys without a care to what kind of destruction they are creating. These are the parents that are never home because they are either busy at work or too concerned with having a social life. Also, they couldn't care less if their kids go out with some friends to a movie, or to a club with a fake I.D. These parents are the cause for destruction to society and they deserve what they receive in this circle. Here, these souls will be forced to eat dirt and drink mud from a quagmire, while the Angels of Hell eat a banquet dinner and drink wine all eternity. Their children were ignored, as are these souls by the demons, who feast all day. Smotherers, Unpredictables, and Neglectors - welcome to the end of life, and the beginning of Hell, of perdition. This is where they belong. Where they have chosen to enter. No one can go on without punishment, and this is theirs. Their souls shall be tortured, they shall bear the anguish of their actions. Here their perspicacity catch up to them and there is no escape.

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