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Rickettsia (+) Eosinophilia Likes to invade blood vessels causing vasculitis bleed or clot.

t. Symptoms: Purpura Ecchymoses Petechia Cerebral hemorrhage Nephritic syndrome Hemoptysis Melena/ melachesia Microcytic hypochromic anemia Blood Test will show: o High platelets, eosinophilia, hypochromic anemia Rickettsia Rickettsia o Rocky mountain spotted fever o RMSF Tick (deer, dermacanter andersoni) o Petichial rash involving palms and soles o Centripital rash = From periphery to torso Rickettsia Typhi o Endemic typhs o Flea born o Rash starts in axilla and going outward Rickettsia Prowzekii o Epidemic typhus o Louse born Rickettsia Akari o Rickettsial pox fleshy papules/ vesicles o Mites Rickettsia Tsutsugamushi o Scrub typhus o Caused by mite (mighty mite) Coxiella Burnetti (long lost relative) o Q fever o Find in dusty barn o Doesnt behave like rest of rickettsia family NO vasculitis Just get lung disease

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