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The Success of Facebook

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Even though there is a huge increase in social media websites these days, Facebook still seems to be in the lead. It gets traffic of 1.06 billion people that log in their Facebook accounts each month. These users actively participate and keep a check on their profile. The credit for the success of Facebook goes to smart phones and mobile devices. Mark Zuckerberg has quoted, In 2012, we connected over a billion people and became a mobile company. The following points highlight the reason why your business needs to integrate with Facebook and use mobile marketing techniques. Given below is the amount of success Facebook saw in a year by just going mobile. An increase of 25% active users was seen in December 2012 since last year. The average number of daily user count increased by 28% and reached 618 million. The number of active users through mobile was 680 million, which has risen 57% from 2011 until December 2012. The daily users, active through mobile devices saw an all time increase towards the end of 2012. The profit generated through mobile interaction was gained up to 23$ from advertising online. This is a 14% increase from the previous quarter. The fourth quarter profit of 2012 is calculated to be $1.585 billion. It has increased by up to 40% within a year of introducing Facebook mobile. Advertising revenue is calculated to be $1.33 billion. This has increased by 41% from the previous year. The payment profits and other miscellaneous fees revenue was $256 million.

The number of employees working at Facebook Company stood at 4619 on December 20.

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