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(IT)6th Semester Assignment Questions

Subject : Basics of .NET And



(Answer any 4 of your choice)

Set -1
1. Write a program for frame sorting technique used in buffers.
2. Write a program in C# using command line arguments to display a welcome message. The message has to be supplied as input in the command line.

Set -2
1. Write a program for distance vector algorithm to find suitable path for transmission.
2. Write a program to demonstrate the usage of threads in C#.

Set -3
1. Write a program for simple RSA/DES algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the data. 2. Using Try, Catch and Finally blocks write a program in C# to demonstrate error handling.

Set -4
1. Write a program for Spanning Tree Algorithm (PRIM) to find loop less path.
2. Write a program in C# to demonstrate operator overloading.

Set -5
1. Write a program in C# to sort the students list based on their names. The students list is stored in a string array. 2. Write a C# Program to demonstrate use of Virtual and override Key words in C#.

Set -6
1. Write a program in C# , create a class called rectangle which consists of members side_1, side_2 and displayArea(). Write another class square which inherits class rectangle. Take side of square as input and display the area of square on console 2. Write a program to multiply two matrices.

Set -7
1. Write a C# program to demonstrate handling of server control programs. 2. Write a program to display a message Welcome to ASP.NET 8 times in increasing order of their font size using ASP.NET.

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