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Vernelle Hughes My Personal Philosophy In Comenius days learning and development of children were structured differently as it is today.

Children were more hands on and worked dependently in the school sector. Compared to schools today there has been a drastic change, students now have a set of routines which they abide by. !amples "come to school, go to class, take out books and head up for class.# Comenius believed that learning should be done through play. $ccording to %ack &ahn and 'usan linor (right, ")earning through play can help a child develop

social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self confidence re*uired to engage in new e!perience and environment.+ ,n the other hand Comenius along with -roebel and .ousseau believed that learning should be done through nature. !ample teacher can teach a science lesson outside where children can see the sun and its shape. In our schools today teachers are more focused on getting the curriculum completed and not paying much attention on the social and physical development of our students. $ccording to &athy Hirsh Pasek and .oberta Michnick /olinkoff, "Play enables children to make sense of their world.+ I personally believe that children should have at least two days out of a week where they can have structured activities which will help with their development.

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