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Installa SCO and Samba .

3kd009989 uqxuxdlz

1:) mkdev parallel 2:) mkdev lp 3:) mkdev tape 4:)install lan card........through netconfig (custom )command.Assign IP address 5:) install samba .....through custom command through CD.

6:) Copy Bkr/Sys /Acu.cob on server. 7:) Copy Backups on server. tar cv8L /etc/passed /etc/shadow /etc/rc2.d/S85route Dat 1 tar cv8 /bankd /bkr /spl /tcb/flies/auth /etc/hosts /etc/exports



8:) copy bankc on server. change mod on bankc . 9:) create folders. chmod -R 777 bankc.

exchange , month end , update , spl , etc.

change mod of exchnage folder chmod 777


10:) add route .



Vi route

S85route add default 192.168.xxxx.1

save and change mode. chmod ./S85route 11:) chmod of dat drive. CD /dve Chmod 777 rct0 Chmod 777 xct0 12: tar xvf /acu.cob /bkr/sys/bnkrmenu (Execute System Integrity sub menu option 2) 777 S85route

13: runcbl

14: Execute root sub menu option 10 ------acuserver (execute both the options) 15: Execute root Sub menu option 11 ......Phoenix Installation (Execute both Options)

12:) add licence

License Number : 3KJ006266 License Code License Data : ixupfkpv : k0;u10;mbcqm6d

License Number : 3KJ006267 License Code License Data : gjafnojf : k0;u10;m435gky

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