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Nancy and Sloan are friends. Nancy is American and speaks American English (AmE).

Sloan is British and speaks British English (BrE).

A. (atch the BrE words to their e)uivalents in AmE.

lorry 2. flat 3. film 4. lift
1. 5. motor,ay

B. Complete the sentences with the appropriate AmE word.

1. I dont now why ids love _________

0 candies 0

a. ele1ator b. cookie c. tr+ck d. ca& e. 1acation f. apartment g. gar&age h. pants i. mo1ie j. high,ay

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. tro+sers

7. &isc+it 8. holiday 9. r+&&ish 10. ta2i

check 0 mail _________ (chips). 0 dr+gstore Hes _____________ (skipping) rope. 0 soccer 0 #+mp Hes a _____________ (football) player. 0 *rench fries Im ta in! the ________ (underground). 0 do the dishes 0 candy store I love _________ (sweets). "hall we !o to that _______ 0 s+&,ay

_________ (sweet shop) over there# 6. $hats she doin!# "he is _____________ (washing up). 7. "hes not home. "he went to the _________ (Chemists). 8. I put the letter in the _______ (post) yesterday. 9. $aiter% Could you please brin! the _________ (bill)#

C. &ow read the dialo!ue between &ancy and "loan. $ho says it# $rite the names in the bo'es.
1. 74m h+ngry. 6et4s ha1e some fish and chips. 3. 8id yo+ like the

2. .here are yo+ going on holiday this year3


4. -an yo+ please take the r+&&ish o+t3

A. 1-c/ 2-f/

5. She eats too many cookies. She4s 5here are too B. 6.1. *rench fries 2. #+mping . soccer !. going to ha1e &ad many stairs. 6et4s $. doing the dishes %. dr+gstore teeth. '. mail take the ele1ator.

-i/ !-a/ "-#/ $-h/ %-&/ '-e/ (-g/ 1)-d

+ndergro+nd3 9r shall ,e s+&,ay ". -andies/ candy store take a ta2i3 (. check 7. Shall ,e go &y

C. 1. Sloan

2. Sloan

. Nancy !. Sloan

". Nancy $. Nancy %. Sloan

1. *lat apartmentBrE 2.and .ashes +p/ does the dishes D.D. Choose the/appropriate AmE words for each situation.. /+&&ish/gar&age
1. After school, Jane visited her new ____________/____________. It has a beautiful view over the city. 2. Im always the one who ______________/______________, but today I cant. Ive hurt my hand. 3. Have you put the empty pac ets in the______________/______________?


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